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Auto Invoicing

Automatically send invoices to your clients as soon as a lesson has been marked as complete

Sam Linge avatar
Written by Sam Linge
Updated over 3 years ago

What is Auto Invoicing?

If enabled, Auto Invoicing will allow invoices to be automatically sent to a client when a particular lesson is marked complete. This invoice will apply to any and all students involved in the lesson completed and it will be triggered on either a job-by-job basis or a branch-wide basis. Invoices which are sent out via Auto Invoice appear as normal under Accounting > Raised Invoices and can be charged in the same ways. If Auto Charge is enabled this will still apply to Auto Invoices and the corresponding invoices will be charged. Please note: Enabling Auto Invoice will automatically require that lesson reports be written at the end of a lesson, this will be the case regardless of whether or not you have selected the option for Lesson Reports Required.

How do I set up Auto Invoicing on a Job?

  1. The first step is to navigate to the relevant job which you would like to edit, once on the job information page click Edit on the top of the page.

  2. Below "Accounting Settings" you will see an option for Auto Invoice, you can check this box and press Submit.

  3. Now you can Mark a lesson in that job as Complete.

  4. When the lesson has been marked as complete you will be prompted to Add a Lesson Report as normal, this will be followed by a screen which tells you that all invoices for this lesson will be generated and raised now, along with the clients to whom they will be sent, which you can choose to approve.

  5. That invoice now shows like any other raised invoice with which you deal otherwise, readily available under Accounting > Raised Invoices for you and your records.

How do I set up Auto Invoicing For All Jobs?

  1. Scroll down to Auto Invoice.

  2. Check the box for Auto Invoice and scroll down to click Submit.

  3. Auto Invoices will now be set as the default on all new jobs created.

NB. This will only apply to new jobs created after that change is made, existing jobs will still have to be edited via the process mentioned above in order for Auto Invoicing to take place.

What Does a Tutor See When Marking an Auto Invoice Lesson as Complete?

Tutors will not see any difference between Auto Invoicing or otherwise when they mark a job as complete. While it will be the action of marking the lesson as complete that sends this invoice, tutors will not be made aware of that fact by TutorCruncher.

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