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Customising Specific Emails

Learn how to make edits to the automated emails that get sent from the platform

Sam Linge avatar
Written by Sam Linge
Updated over a week ago

What is an email definition?

Email definitions are the automated emails that TutorCruncher sends to users when specific triggers are actioned. For example, when a new tutor profile is added the tutor will receive the 'Welcome Tutor' email including their name and login details. You can personalise email definitions by changing the message contents. You can also include an email style to email definitions.

Customising Specific Emails

How do I edit an email definition?

You can edit an email definition by navigating to System > Settings > Communication Settings > Email Definitions. Click the plus icon on the email definition you want to edit. You are able to change the subject, subheading, message, and email style.

When editing an email definition, you will see words enclosed in curly brackets, for example ###{{ recipient_first_name }}. These allow the system to get information to put it into the email - in this case: the name of the person receiving the email. Therefore you shouldn't change or edit anything within these brackets, but you can move them around. Email definitions are written in Markdown. To apply formatting to plain text you can either use the tools provided on top of the text field or write the text with Markdown straight away. To preview how the text will be rendered click on the eye symbol.

Markdown editor in TutorCruncher

Markdown editor in TutorCruncher

Take a look at our Markdown guide for more help with editing email definitions.

What changes are being made to billing emails?/How are accounting emails invoices and credit requests changing?

As of November 2nd 2020, some Email and SMS definitions are changing

In order to streamline and simplify TutorCruncher email definitions, the following email definitions will no longer be in use.

Old definitions

Replaced by

Send Auto-Charged Invoice
Send Credit Request
Send Invoice

Payment request

Send Credit Request Reminder
Send Invoice Reminder

Payment request reminder

Send Paid Credit Request
Send Paid Invoice

Payment made from credit

Credit Request Receipt
Invoice receipt
Top up receipt

Payment receipt

The new replacement email definitions will still cover all the same situations. The main difference is that each new email will be used across both invoices (used when requesting payment after the lessons have taken place) and credit requests (used for pre-payments).

Please note you don't have to change anything, our new definitions will still work perfectly and look smart. The only reason to adjust the standard definitions is if you want to add some of your company's branch and character to them.

Please also be aware while editing your definitions that there are a number of variables included in many of the email definitions which the email will rely on to customised each email to the circumstance in which it is sent. If you would like a refresher about how those variables work check out our guide to writing moustache templates here.

How do I include or remove the attached, itemised PDF from my invoice and/or credit request emails?

If you want to control whether there is an itemised PDF breakdown of charges on your payment request go to System > Settings > Accounting Settings > General and toggle the checkbox for "Attach Invoice and Credit Request PDFs to Payment request emails".

This will decide whether PDFs are attached to payment request details for your clients generally.

If however, you have certain clients in particular that do or do not need itemised PDFs included on their emails, you can also toggle this setting on a client-by-client basis.

In order to override your general setting for an individual client go to that client's profile, select "Edit Profile" under the "Actions" dropdown menu and expand the Accounting & Client Manager section. There you can select whether this client will follow general accounting settings regarding PDF attachments of invoices and credit requests, whether they will always receive attachments, regardless of general settings, or whether they will never receive attachments.

How do I stop a certain set of emails from sending?

If you want to stop a certain email trigger from sending, navigate to System > Settings > Communication Settings > Email Definitions and click the plus icon on the email definition you want to stop. Deselect the 'Emails sending' box and click 'Submit'.

Can I include custom text per email I send?

For some emails, you can include extra text to be inserted into the email definition. This is for cases where you would want to customise the email for each occasion. For example, when rejecting a tutor's job application, you may want to list different reasons each time.

The emails which allow this are:

Job Application Rejected: Rejecting a tutor's job application.

Interview Invitation to Tutor: Inviting a tutor for an interview.

For these email definitions, you can predefine messages to choose from when sending them. To do this, click on an email definition and click 'Edit Content Choices'.

How do I include added card fees on my "Payment request" emails?

Added card fees are not included in the standard Payment request email definition, this means that if you charge additional card fees you "payment request" emails will not reference the added fees unless you edit that email definition to include them.

In order to include card fees in those emails, go to System > Settings > Communication Settings > Email Definitions > Payment request and add the following variable into the body of the email definition:

If you wish this to show to all of your customers who receive this email it is best to add this outside pairs of variables that look like either:

###{{#... and ###{{/... or ###{{^... and ###{{/...

For more information about variables in email definitions check out our guide to writing moustache templates here.

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