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Using TutorCruncher with an Employment Agency (UK only)

Is the company which you're working with acting as an Employment Agency? If so, please read the details of those changes.

Fionn Finegan avatar
Written by Fionn Finegan
Updated over a week ago

When the company you're working with is acting as an Employment Agency you, the tutor, now have control over the flow of funds from the client to you.

As part of these changes, the decision on when to invoice clients for lessons or expenses falls to you.

Bear in mind, the company you're working with may choose to act as an Employment Agency in relation to only some lessons, but not others. This will vary in each case and discussions about the details of which lessons are being treated as such should be had directly with the company you're working with.

Invoicing for lessons

When you are marking a lesson as complete (that part hasn't changed) you'll be shown a lesson report screen as normal. In this case, however, the lesson report won't be optional. many of you will be familiar with the option to skip lesson reports. Under this workflow, that option will be removed, and some entry of lesson report details will be needed in order to save the report.

Once the report is saved, a pop up will show asking you whether or not you want the lesson to be invoiced now. If you select "Yes", then the invoice will be sent.

If you select "No", you can invoice for a completed lesson at a later stage of your choosing.

How do I send invoices for lessons at a later stage?

You will be prompted to send invoices for un-invoiced lessons on your dashboard under the "Actions Required" section. In this example, the tutor has three lessons which have been marked as complete, but for which invoices haven't been sent:

In order to send an invoice for a lesson which has already been marked as complete, navigate to the lesson page in question (via the link on your dashboard or via your calendar) and under the "Actions" button you will have an option to "Raise Invoice(s)".

This will then ask you to confirm that you want invoices to be sent.

These screenshots follow the process of a tutor sending an invoice for a lesson which has already been marked as Complete:

What about "Cancelled but Chargeable" lessons?

If you mark a lesson as 'Cancelled but chargeable' the invoice will be automatically generated and sent to the client at the moment that it is marked as "Cancelled but Chargeable".

I've raised the Invoice, when do I get paid?

Once an invoice has been raised (ie. sent), for a lesson in this workflow, the next step is client payment.

if the client has chosen to save their card details then those details will be used to take payment for the invoice two days after the invoice is raised. If the client hasn't saved their card details, it will require them to click the link in the email they receive and pay it manually.

If a client has saved their card details but the payment fails when it is automatically tried, then the client will get an email notification that they need to pay manually instead. You and the client will also receive a payment failure notification via email.

I received a payment failure notification but the client still hasn't paid, what can I do?

You can send them a reminder to pay by navigating to the outstanding payment order and selecting 'Send reminder'. This will resend the invoice to the client via email.

My Payment Orders look different, how have they changed?

A Payment Order associated with each lesson will now show up on the lesson page immediately after the lesson has been invoiced.

When the invoice is first raised your associated Payment Order will look like this:

Once payment has been made, the invoice will look something like this:

Paid invoices will show you the details about when the payment was made and when the money will be transferred into your Stripe account. For more details about setting up and working with your connected Stripe account, read our documentation here.

How do I cancel a payment or issue a refund?

You can cancel a payment or issue a refund by using the Cancel/Refund Payment button found when navigating to the completed Lesson's payment order.

Provided both you and the company you're working with have the available funds in your Stripe accounts, both you and the company can choose to refund the payment which the client has made.

How do I get paid for expenses?

You will be given a choice as to whether expenses are invoiced at the same time as the lesson. If you choose not to invoice for expenses alongside the lesson, you will be able to do so at a later stage. As with lessons, you will be prompted to do from your dashboard under the section for "Actions required".

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