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Repeated Lessons
Sam Linge avatar
Written by Sam Linge
Updated over a week ago

How do I create a repeating lesson?

To set up repeating lessons, create the first lesson in the series, then go to the lesson's details page and choose the Actions tab. Once you click this, there will be an option for Repeat. Lessons can be repeated every X days or every Y weeks and on specific days. Lessons can be set to repeat until a set date or for a set number of occurrences. When you've filled in the repeat details, click 'Save' and your new lessons will be created.

If you wish to edit the repeat details, you can only do so from the original lesson. Navigate to the original lesson's details page and click the Repeat, then change the repeat details. You can find the link to the original lesson by clicking 'View Original Lesson' from a repeated lesson's details page. Changing the repeat details will not affect any lesson that is chargeable or invoiced.

How do I edit repeated lessons?

If you go into any lesson in the sequence and click 'Edit Lesson', you can edit the time of the individual lesson. Once this has been done, you can use the checkbox which says 'Apply changes to future Repeated Appointments'. This will automatically apply the changes to all lessons in the sequence for start times, end times, lesson topic, and location.

For example, if you have repeating lessons all beginning at 5 pm, changing a lesson in the sequence to begin at 6 pm will give you the option to change all lessons thereafter. Note, the changes will apply in a way that moves the planned appointment time forwards or backwards by the same amount on each lesson. This means that whilst my 5 pm lessons will all move forward one hour to 6 pm, if a lesson in the sequence was originally edited to start at 8 pm then it will also move forward one hour to 9 pm.

How do I delete repeated lessons?

In order to delete a repeating sequence of planned lessons, you will first need to go to the Original Lesson to update that. When you go onto the lesson details page, there is an option for More Details. Simply click on this & you will be able to view details relating to the repeat. You can then choose View Original Lesson to navigate to the first lesson in the sequence.

Once here, click on the Actions tab & choose Repeat.

This will open a window with all the details relating to the repeat. It would then just be a matter of setting the Repeat to Never and presto, you're good to go!

NB: Only lessons which are marked as planned will be deleted. This means that if you have completed lessons, they will not be deleted.

How many repeated lessons can I create?

You can create up to 50 repeating lessons at any one time.

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