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Pay Runs

Use Pay Runs to export a CSV file of your tutors bank details to complete bulk payments

Sam Linge avatar
Written by Sam Linge
Updated over a week ago

What is a Pay Run?

The Pay Run feature allows you to create a secure CSV export for bulk payment of tutor Payment Orders. This file can be directly imported into a payroll system such as Transferwise.

You can turn on the Pay Run feature by going to System > Settings > Accounting > General and selecting the ‘Use Pay Runs’ checkbox.

How do I enter a tutor’s bank details?

Tutor bank details can be entered by the Tutor themselves or by an Admin.

First, you need to switch on the Pay Run feature by going to System > Settings > Accounting > General and selecting the ‘Use Pay Runs’ checkbox.

Once this has been enabled, you can enter the bank details by going to People > Tutors selecting a tutors profile, and clicking the ‘Add Bank Details’ button. In this window, you can enter the Account Name, Account Number and Sort Code.

Pay Runs

Once these details have been added to the system, only the last 2 digits of the sort code and the last 4 digits of the account number will be visible. These details are once again only visible to Admins with owner permissions and the tutor who has entered the details.

Pay Runs

If you wish to edit a tutor's bank details you can click the 'Modify Bank Details' button. You will need to enter the full sort code and account number into the system again.

Why can't I enter a tutor's bank details?

There could be a few reasons why your tutors might not be able to add their bank details. Here are just a few things to check if you are running into trouble:

  1. Is the tutor located in the same country as your agency?

  2. Is your branch located in a country that is supported by Transferwise? (Here’s a list of all the countries supported by Transferwise)

  3. Has the correct currency been set in your accounting settings?

  4. Has the ‘Use Pay Run’ option been enabled in your accounting settings?

If all of those things seem to be checked & in order, then shoot one of the team a message and we can help you out with this!

How do I pay tutors using the Pay Runs features?

The Pay Run feature allows Admins to pay tutors through an external payout system. Please note: This can only be done by admins with owner permissions.

(We recommend using Transferwise as the Pay Run feature was created with this system in mind.)

Step by step process

  1. The first few steps of generating Payment Orders for Pay Runs is done in the same way as generating all payment orders. Go to Accounting > Draft Payment Orders click Regenerate and enter your Cutoff Dates.

  2. If you want to generate Payment Orders for unpaid but completed lessons you will need to tick the ‘Generate Payment Orders including items not associated with Paid Invoice’.

  3. You can see a breakdown of the payment order charges and PDF preview by clicking on the receipt.

  4. If your payment orders are ready to be sent you can click ‘Confirm Payment Order’ on individual consumers or use checkboxes to select the items which you want to confirm. Once you have some payment orders in the Confirmed Payment Orders Section’ you can click the ‘Raise Confirmed Payment Orders’ button.

  5. You will be able to view all your raised payment orders in Accounting > Raised Payment Orders. Here you can select unpaid invoices using the checkboxes next to each item, and then add the times to the Pay Run by clicking the ‘Add Items to Pay Run’ button. (You can also choose to add all unpaid Payment Orders to the Pay Run by clicking ‘Add all items to Pay Run’.)

  6. Once you have added Payment Orders to the Pay Run these can be viewed in the ‘In Pay Run’ tab. To export the CSV file you need to click ‘Generate Pay Run export’. This automatically sends an email to your Admin email account, allowing you to access the Pay Run Export. Click the download export button, which will save the CSV file. This file can then be imported into Transferwise.

  7. Once your tutors have successfully been paid you can return to Accounting > Raised Payment Orders go to the 'In Pay Run' tab and select one or multiple items to be marked as paid using the ‘Mark items as Paid’ button.

How does TutorCruncher assure that Tutor bank details are safe?

Our Pay Run system is designed to store each tutor’s sort code and account number in the safest way possible. This is why there are a number of safeguards in place for storing these details.

Tutor bank details can only be entered by a tutor or an admin with owner permissions. Once entered, they are encrypted, and only the last 2 digits of the sort code and the last 4 digits of the account number are shown and are only visible to admins with owner permissions, and tutors. If a user wants to modify the bank details they need to enter all the details again, and do not have the ability to view the existing ones.

The export is also safeguarded in a number of ways to make sure tutor bank details are as secure as possible. When an email is sent to access the CSV export, the link expires after ten minutes, and only allows the user to download this list one time. Furthermore, whenever an admin requests the Payout export all other admins are also sent an email, notifying them of which admin has requested the CSV export. This means that all admins are able to keep track of who downloaded tutor bank details when.

How do I remove a Payment Order for the Pay Run?

If you have added a Payment Order to the Pay Run erroneously you can reverse this by viewing this Payment Order and clicking the Remove from Pay Run button. This will then return the Payment Order to the ‘All’ tab.

How much will tutor payments cost?

Transferwise, which is the payout system we recommend using, charges a small transaction fee on payments made to tutors.

The charges are as follows:

GBP Fee £0.60

USD Fee: $1.40,

EUR Fee: €0.63

AUD Fee: $1.05

CAD Fee: $1.05

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