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Charge Via Tutor Troubleshooting

Here are a few things to check why the setting for Charge Via Tutor might not be working

Sam Linge avatar
Written by Sam Linge
Updated over a week ago

Why Isn't Charge Via Tutor Working?

Why isn’t the Charge Via Tutor Tax Set-up working for me?

There are a number of reasons why Charge Via Tutor (CVT) may not be working on your TutorCruncher account. Below, you can find a useful list of thing to check in order to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Have you got Charged Via Tutor Switched on? Go to System > Settings > Accounting and check that the ‘Charge Via Tutor’ checkbox is selected.

  2. Are you paying the tutor(s) more than you are charging the client(s)? Go to the job you are trying to bill and make sure that the client charge rate is higher than the amount paid to the tutor. If the tutor is being paid more than the client is being charged, then CVT will not work.

Please note: for group classes the sum of all client payments has to be higher than the sum of all tutor pay.

  1. Have you got ‘charge via branch’ selected on the tutor's profile? When the CVT tax setting is switched on this will become the default for all tutors, however, someone could have switched this setting on in the past, and this may be causing issues. Go to People > Tutors, and select the tutor you are trying to invoice for. Click ‘Edit’ and check that under Accounting the ‘Charge Via Branch’ is not selected.

  2. Are your default commission tax rates set to a percentage? Go to System > Settings > Tax Rates and make sure commission tax is set up to a percentage other than 0%.

  3. Have you got your tutor tax rate set to 0%? Go to System > Settings > Tax Rates and make sure that ‘Tax on Tutors’ is set to ‘No Tax, 0%’

  4. Are your default tax rates set correctly on jobs? Check that under Activity > Jobs, the job you are trying to bill has its tax set up to a tax percentage other than 0%.

  5. Have you got the correct tax set up on your client’s account? Go to People > Clients and select the client you are trying to invoice. Click ‘Edit’ and check that under ‘Accounting & Client Manager’

  6. Have you got the Tax rate set to the default on the tutor’s profile? Go to People > Tutors and select the tutor’s profile who you are trying to invoice for. Make sure that under ‘Accounting’ you leave the Tax set-up blank. This way the set up will be the same as the account default.

What if I want to use the Charge Via Tutor set up, but am not charging any tax?

If you want to use the Charge Via Tutor Tax set up, you will need to select Preferred Charge Via Tutor (PCVT) within System > Settings > Accounting General. If this does not work, there are a number of things you can double-check, to make sure the setting will work.

Here is a list of those:

Have you got the tax set up correctly?

  1. Have you got the tax set up correctly on the job? Make sure for each job you have the tax setting correctly set up within the Accounting settings. These settings should be set at taxable Commission tax (0%) and Tutor Tax (No Tax).

  2. Is the Tutor’s profile set to No Tax? Go to People > Tutors and click on the tutor profile you are having trouble with invoicing correctly. Click edit and make sure that under ‘Accounting’ you have the Tax Setup set to No tax. Also, make sure the ‘Force Branch not taxed’ checkbox is NOT selected.

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