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Terms and Conditions

Learn how to customise & add T&C's for your agency

Sam Linge avatar
Written by Sam Linge
Updated over a week ago

How do I add my Terms and Conditions?

If you go to your System > Settings > Company Details > Terms and Conditions, you will be able to add your Terms and Conditions to your account. You can add the main body of the text and also edit the title of the page that a user will see when asked to agree.

Add your Terms and Conditions to capture consent from your users'.

Add your Terms and Conditions to capture consent from your users'.

What should I include in my Terms and Conditions?

It is totally up to you to decide what to add to your Terms and Conditions. TutorCruncher does not provide a template set of terms, as this is about what information you wish to communicate between your company and your users. You might use the Terms and Conditions section to clarify your:

  • Privacy Policy

  • Terms of Service

  • Payment Policy

  • All of the above

Depending on what you decide to add to your Terms and Conditions, you can edit the title of the page in order to make sure it is in line with the content of the bottom section.

How do I get users to agree to my Terms and Conditions?

When you have active terms and conditions on your account, users will be able to consent to them in the following ways:

  1. Their account is added by an administrator to the system

  2. They sign up for an account

In case 1, whenever a user is added to the system with their email address, they will receive a Welcome Email. This Welcome Email will by default include a link to a page where users can click ‘I agree’ or ‘I don’t agree’ to your company’s terms and conditions.

In case 2, whenever a user creates an account and logs in for the first time, they will be automatically shown the terms and conditions screen and will need to consent in order to continue.

In both cases, if a user selects ‘I agree’, they will be able to proceed with using the system. Once this has happened, a field on the user’s profile saying ‘Consented to data storage’ will show as ‘Given’.

Verify whether your users have given consent to your terms and conditions'.

Can I update my Terms and Conditions?

If you make any changes to your Terms and Conditions, then on the System > Settings > Company Details > Terms and Conditions page, you will have the choice to 'Notify users of changes to Terms and Conditions'.

You can select any one of the three fields to decide whether or not you notify users of the updated terms. If you trigger an email, then the email will be sent referring to your Email Definition with the trigger name 'Sent when your Terms and Conditions are changed'.

Can I choose the users I want to notify about my updated terms?

You can select what group of users you want to notify about changes that have been made to your Terms and Conditions. This includes all users who have either given or not yet given consent. If you choose to notify everyone, all users will receive an email requesting them to reconsent to you new terms and conditions, regardless of their status.

Can I have separate terms and conditions for different users?

Unfortunately, all of your users will only be able to agree to one terms and conditions when they first sign up to your branch. You can, however, create separate sections on the page for 'Terms for Clients' and 'Terms for Tutors' if you wish. This will give both clients and tutors an opportunity to read your branches terms before signing up.

Can a user agree to terms and conditions outside of TutorCruncher?

Yes, a user can agree to your terms and conditions outside of your account. In this case, you can record that consent has been given by going to the user's main profile view and editing the 'Data Storage Consent' field. By clicking the 'Eye' symbol, you can record that consent has been given to your agencies terms outside of the platform.

Is there a separate section for users to consent to data storage?

When creating the terms and conditions for your agency, you as an agency would decide what to have included in those terms, and a user's consent to data being stored would be incorporated into those terms.

How can I see what users have consented to data storage?

If you would like to see what users have consented to data storage, you can do this by going to your client's tab and click 'Filter'. In the 'Role Details' field, you can choose from the consent to data storage drop down to choose whether a client has or has not given consent for data to be stored. Once those details are entered, click filter.

Why isn't consent to data showing on a users profile?

When a user agrees to your agency's terms and conditions, you will be able to verify whether a user has given consent to data storage on their profile. If you do not have active terms and conditions for your agency, then the field for ‘Consented to data storage’ will not be viewable on users profiles.

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