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Terms and Conditions

Learn how to add and customise your company's terms & conditions here.

Sam Linge avatar
Written by Sam Linge
Updated over a week ago

Most tutoring companies will have terms & conditions that their users have to accept in order to work with/for them or receive their services. TutorCruncher has built-in functionality for this, meaning you don’t have to manually send out terms and conditions whenever a user joins your platform.

Terms and conditions can be added or changed via System > Settings > Company Details > Terms and Conditions. Selecting this will open the Terms and Conditions panel, from here you can edit the body of text that will form your terms and conditions, adjust the title for your terms and conditions, and be able to select between whether or not you wish to notify your users of any changes made to your terms and conditions:

The Terms and Conditions panel.

With terms and conditions set, new users will be prompted to read and accept them upon initially signing in.

What should I include in my Terms and Conditions?

It’s up to you! TutorCruncher does not provide template or guidance on what companies decide to include in their terms and conditions; we leave that decision entirely up to our valued customers. That said, terms and conditions will commonly clarify the following:

  • Privacy Policy

  • Terms of Service

  • Payment Policy

  • Refunds Policy

How can my users agree to my Terms and Conditions?

Once terms and conditions have been set within a branch/agency, users can agree/consent to them upon signing up to an account, or they will be prompted to do this when they open their welcome email upon an Administrator creating their account.

How do I track whether a user has accepted my Terms and Conditions?

Once the users selects ‘I agree’, they will be free to use your TutorCruncher portal, and the ‘Data storage consent’ field on their user profile will be marked as ‘Given’:

An example of a user profile, with the 'Data storage consent' field highlighted.

Can I have separate Terms & Conditions for different users?

No - only one set of terms & conditions can be made per branch. We recommend having separate sections for Tutors, Clients and Administrators on your terms & conditions, should this be necessary.

Can my users agree to Terms and Conditions outside of TutorCruncher?

They can, but TutorCruncher will not have any way of verifying this automatically - an Administrator can do this by navigating to the user’s profile and selecting the eye symbol next to the ‘Data storage consent’ field - doing this will record that consent has been given to the agency's terms and conditions.

Is there a way of seeing which of my user’s have consented to data storage?

Navigate to any of the four user (Client/Student/Tutor/Administrator) lists and select ‘Filter’ - this will open the Filter Users tab, which has a dropdown menu field for ‘Consent to store data’, with options for ‘Given’, ‘Not given’ and ‘Requested data deletion’ - selecting of these options and clicking Filter will return a list of all users who match the given consent criteria:

The Filter Clients panel, with the ‘Consent to store data’ field highlighted.

Why isn’t the ‘Consent to store data’ field visible on a user’s profile?

This will be the case if your branch has no active terms & conditions set.

How do Terms and Conditions work if I've disabled Client login?

In cases where Clients are required to accept your terms and conditions, but you have disabled Client login, they will still be prompted to accept your terms and conditions via the Client welcome email sent upon setting their profile up.

An example of a Client welcome email in cases where Client login is disabled.

What if a user rejects my Terms and Conditions?

If a user rejects your terms and conditions it will prompt them to submit an account erasure request and they will not be able to work with you or use your services.

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