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Here you'll find how to create, edit, and send broadcasts to your users

Sam Linge avatar
Written by Sam Linge
Updated over a week ago

What is a broadcast?

Broadcasts are a way to send emails to a group of people. You can send to tutors, clients, or students, and filter by status and labels. You can also send a preview of your broadcast to other people just by entering their email address. It can be useful to email yourself a preview to see how it looks. Broadcasts are written in Markdown. Take a look at our Markdown guide for help with writing broadcasts.

How do I create a broadcast?

You can create a broadcast by going to Communications > Broadcasts and clicking the 'New Broadcast' button. Choose the role you wish to send the broadcast to, select any status and label filters, and write your email. You can also include an email style to your broadcasts. Click 'Send Preview' and enter your email address to preview what the broadcast will look like before it goes out to your users. Once you've previewed the broadcast and made any necessary changes, click 'Send'. You can check the status of your broadcasts in Communications > Outbound Emails.

How do I unsubscribe a user from receiving broadcasts?

Your users will have an Unsubscribe link in every broadcast they get from TutorCruncher, or you can edit their profiles to untick the option 'Receive Broadcasts' under their address details.

Why didn't all my users receive a broadcast?

In line with GDPR, your users can unsubscribe from receiving broadcasts by clicking an unsubscribe link which appears at the bottom of the email. When they unsubscribe, they will stop receiving any future broadcasts that are sent from your account. You can check if a user has opted out from receiving broadcasts by going to their profile page and clicking Edit, once there see if the 'Receive Broadcasts' box is unchecked. It's also worth checking that the user has an active email address assigned to their profile as well.

Why didn’t my Broadcast send to users with the selected labels?

If you are sending a broadcast and filter by a specific label, only the users who have that label applied to their profile will receive the broadcast. Likewise, if multiple labels are selected, then only roles with all of the labels will receive a Broadcast.

Can I add an attachment to a broadcast?

Unfortunately, attachments cannot be added to broadcasts at the moment. A possible workaround that you might find useful though, is to include a link in that Broadcast that would redirect the user to download the file elsewhere. Using Markdown, you can upload files such as images, PDFs, etc. that can be linked to. This means that anybody with that link will be able to access & download the file.

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