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Administrators are the users who manage a TutorCruncher platform - read about their capabilities here.

Sam Linge avatar
Written by Sam Linge
Updated over a week ago

Administrators are users with elevated privileges and responsibilities within TutorCruncher. They could be a business owner, a business manager, or a member of an organisation's operational staff or accounting team. Administrators have responsibilities including:

  • System Management: Administrators have the authority to manage and configure various aspects of the TutorCruncher system. They can set up and customise the platform according to the organisation's needs, including creating and managing user accounts, defining user roles and permissions, configuring payment settings, and adjusting system preferences.

  • User Management: Administrators oversee user accounts and permissions alongside managing their company’s relationship with their customers within the TutorCruncher platform. They can create, modify, and deactivate user accounts for Tutors, Clients, staff members, and other individuals associated with the Tutoring organisation. Administrators also have the ability to assign specific roles and permissions to each user account.

  • Accounting: Administrators are primarily responsible for their company’s accounting within TutorCruncher. They can Invoice for Lessons, submit Credit Requests, facilitate payments to their Tutors via Payment Orders as well as managing their company’s tax settings, standard rates, Client Subscriptions and more.

Where can I find my Administrators?

A full list of your organisation’s Administrators can be found via People > Administrators.

An example of an Administrator user list.

Here you can:

  • Use the Create New Administrator button to create a new Administrator.

  • Use the ‘Label Filter’ dropdown menu to quickly filter out Clients based on any Labels applied to their profile.

  • Use the Email Administrators button to email all Administrators who appear on the list.

How do I create new Administrators?

  1. Select Create New Administrator.

  2. Fill in the Administrator's details and the permissions you wish to grant them using the form, and then click Submit.

  3. The email address holder for the account created will then receive a welcome email prompting them to set a new password and create their account (this welcome email can also be used in cases where users are experiencing difficulties logging in.)

  4. Submit.

Note: The welcome email expires after three days, at which point the set password link will no longer work - you can send resend a welcome email by navigating to the Administrator’s profile and selecting the Send Email button under the Communications tab - this will open a dropdown menu with an option to resend the welcome email. We only send the welcome email if the Administrator hasn’t already logged in.

How do I edit an Administrator's details?

You can edit an Administrator's details by navigating to the Administrator’s profile and selecting Actions > Edit Profile before adjusting the Administrator's details and clicking Submit.

The Administrator’s last name and Default Client View are required fields, and we recommend that you include an email address so that the Administrator can receive important communications. You can also add in Custom Fields (and also make these required) which will appear under the ‘Extra Fields’ tab.

Note: You can only adjust the permissions of another Administrator if you have higher level permissions than they do. You cannot give yourself additional permissions.

How do I also view TutorCruncher while logged in as a Student/Client/Tutor?

As an Administrator, you can switch between Tutor, Student or Client roles by following the below steps:

  1. Click ‘Account’ from the dropdown menu at the top right-hand corner of the screen.

  2. Choose the role you wish to switch to i.e. Administrator, Tutor, Client or Student.

Changing role type from the dashboard.

You can add a new role to your account as an Administrator by creating the profile and then assigning it the same email address as yours - you will be prompted to add that role type to your main profile.

How do I add a new role to my Administrator profile?

Simply create a new user profile and assign it the same email address as your Administrator profile - you will then be prompted to link the new profile to your Administrator account, and can switch between roles from the dropdown menu at the top right hand side of the dashboard.

Note: It's important to ensure the other details (phone number, address, etc.) match their existing details - otherwise, the new details will override the old. If you enter in new details in other fields (i.e. contact details), those will supersede the old ones in the other profile.

Can I change what information is shown on an Administrator’s user interface?

Editing the Administrator dashboard

Navigate to the Administrator’s profile and select Actions > Configure Dashboard. This will open the Dashboard Panels page, from where you can customise an Administrator’s dashboard by moving sections from the ‘Not in use’ panel on the right to the ‘Shown on dashboard’ panel on the left. Note that Administrators viewing this page will only be able to see panels that they have the relevant permissions to use.

The Dashboard Panels page.

You can also create your own custom dashboard panels - read more about that here.

Editing the Administrator’s default Client view:

Navigate to the Administrator’s profile before selecting Actions > Edit Profile and expanding the 'Address, Contact Details & More' tab. Here you will find the ‘Default Client View’ dropdown menu, from where you can specify whether the Administrator sees the Client Pipeline or the default Client user list.

What different permissions can an Administrator have?

The top level permission an Administrator can have is Owner permissions - this allows them access to all areas of the system and use of all functionality, including setting permissions for other Administrators.

If you are signed in as an Administrator with owner permissions, you can grant different permissions to an Administrator's profile. Here is a list of those permissions:

  • Change Branch: This will allow an Admin to switch between the different branches in your agency - branches are sub-accounts, separate from each other but sharing the same URL and branding. Use cases for this include franchisees, businesses operating in different geographic regions, different product offerings, etc.

  • View Operations: This permission is for viewing the Dashboard, People, Activity and Communications. This includes Roles, Jobs, Lessons and Ad Hoc Charges. It doesn't allow for the editing of them.

  • Edit Operations: The same as 'View Operations', but the Administrator will be able to edit items as well as view them.

  • View Accounting: With this permission, an Administrator can view Account Balances, Invoices, Payment Orders and other information relating to accounting.

  • Edit Accounting: The same as 'View Accounting', but Administrators can send and edit invoices, adjust Client balances and take payments.

  • View Analytics: An Administrator can access the analytics section to review income reports and more.

  • Edit Branch Settings: This allows the Administrator to edit settings that relate to a specific branch, such as the branch's credentials including branch contact details, logo, website, accounting details and the details displayed on PDF documents.

  • Import/Export: With this permission, an Administrator can import and export users, Lessons and accounting information.

  • Edit Company Settings: This allows an Administrator to edit the company's system settings that affect all branches, such as the company’s name, tax setups and Labels.

  • Use and configure the API: This permission will allow your other Administrators to access the TutorCruncher API and its settings, giving you an array of tools to retrieve large amounts of information, or pull information from TutorCruncher into external applications.

What is an 'Owner'?

An owner has full access to all Administrator permissions and all of TutorCruncher's functions, this will typically be the business owner or manager of an organisation, or simply a member who has been assigned to administrate all areas pertaining to the TutorCruncher platform. When you first create an agency on TutorCruncher, your Administrator role will be set as an owner, and you can give as many Administrators the owner permission as you’d like.

What different notifications can Administrators receive?

Administrators can receive email notifications informing them about system events, Lesson bookings & reminders, Job applications, Broadcasts and more. The notifications an Administrator receives can be found by navigating to their Administrator profile and selecting Actions > Edit Profile and toggling the check boxes found underneath Received Notifications. The different types of notification are:

  • Job Application Notifications: The Administrator will receive an email when a Tutor applies for a Job.

  • Broadcasts: The Administrator can receive broadcasts.

  • Client Auto Charge Notifications: The Administrator receives emails when Clients who have been marked as auto chargeable (and with saved card details) have been automatically charged for a raised invoice.

  • Client Enquiry and Booking Notifications: The Administrator will receive an email when a Client makes an enquiry either via their TutorCruncher dashboard or the company's external website.

  • Daily Update Notifications: The Administrator will receive daily updates via email. These daily updates include important and actionable system information, including new Client enquiries, or notifications for Jobs that the system has flagged as 'Gone Cold'.

  • Lesson Reminders: The Administrator will receive a notification when a Lesson being taken by a Client they are managing for is due to commence.

  • Subscription Update Notifications: The Administrator will receive an email when a Subscription is updated.

  • Weekly Update Notifications: The Administrator will receive weekly updates via email.

  • User Data Deletion Requests: The Administrator will receive user data deletion requests, for instances where users may no longer work or require the services of an organisation and wish to have any personal information about them to be removed from the system.

  • Emails About Lesson Bookings: The Administrator will receive notifications whenever a Lesson has been booked, cancelled, or rescheduled by a Client they are managing.

What does it mean to have a Client assigned to an Administrator’s profile?

Administrators with Clients attached to their profile are 'Client managers' - this is a role that can be assigned to any Administrator within your TutorCruncher system. The Clients listed on their Administrator profile are the Clients assigned to them, and the Client manager will receive extra notifications about the Clients assigned to them, such as reminders for when a Client needs to top up.

Why am I not able to access Activity > Documents?

An Administrator will not be able to access any public files stored in Activity > Documents if they do not have the permission for ‘Change Branch’ assigned to their profile. Public files are available at the organisation level, meaning an Administrator will not be able to view these if they do not have permission to access all the branches of an organisation.

Why can’t my Administrator access System > Settings?

An Administrator will not be able to access System > Settings if they do not have the permission for Company Settings and/or Branch Settings assigned to their profile. Public files are available at the organisation level, meaning an Administrator will not be able to view these if they do not have permission to access all the branches of an organisation.

Can I copy an Administrator profile from one branch to another?

Yes - simply navigate to the Administrator’s profile, select Actions > Copy to another Branch. This will open the ‘Copy to another Branch’ panel, from where you can choose which branch to copy the Administrator to.

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