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Socket For Basic Client Enquiry Forms

Learn how you can integrate a basic client enquiry form on your website

Sam Linge avatar
Written by Sam Linge
Updated over 2 years ago

Integrating an enquiry form onto your website is a great way of turning traffic on your website into potential clients within TutorCruncher. When a client fills out an enquiry form on your website, all that information will get pulled into the platform & a new profile will be created for that client. Here, we will be going through the basic steps of getting that enquiry form up & running on your website.

The first thing you will want to do is to add Socket as an integration within your branch settings. To do this, simply go to Settings > TutorCruncher API > API Integrations, and then choose the option at the top of the page to 'Add Socket Integration'.

You will then want to copy the Public Key in your Socket Integration, as this will link your TutorCruncher account to the Enquiry form on your website.

The next step is to add a custom HTML frame to your website. In this example, we will be using WIX to set this up. One caveat to be aware though is to make sure that the website you are using runs JavaScript, as this is needed in order for Socket to function properly.

Once that HTML frame has been added, you will then need to copy this code and paste it into the HTML frame on your website:

<div id="socket-enquiry"></div> 

<!-- If you haven't called it before -->
<script src=""></script>

<!-- Then -->
socket('9c79f14df986a1ec693c', {
mode: 'enquiry',
element: '#socket-enquiry'

(You can also find the code for the enquiry form just here)

You're nearly there! You will need to replace the existing key that was copied over from DinoTutors, with your Socket Public Key from above. You can then update those HTML settings when the code has been replaced with your Public Key.

There may be some cases that a 403 error response message will appear notifying you of a 'Wrong Origin Domain'. Not to worry though, as there is a quick & easy fix for this!

If this error does appear, you will need to copy the URL that appears in the 403 error message & add that to the list of allowed domains in your Socket Integration. If you continue to get the error, replace the number in the URL with an Asterix*.

Once you've completed all those steps, then you will be able to start receiving enquiries through your website.

How do I include fields on an enquiry form?

If you want to include custom fields on an enquiry form, then you will need to apply those fields to the client. To do this, navigate to System > Settings > System Customization > Custom Fields > Add Custom Field, and select the field that applies to the client. For any field that you create that you wish to be viewable on your website through TutorCruncher Socket, you will need to check that box for Client Accessible, as the client needs to be able to view them.

How do I enable other fields in my enquiry form?

You can add or edit Custom Fields, making sure both the 'Enquiry Form' and 'Client Accessible' options are both checked.

Please note: Editing the fields shown inside TutorCruncher socket can take up to 24 hours to update.

How do I add my terms and conditions consent to my enquiry form?

You can add a link to your terms and conditions on your enquiry form and require that your users consent to these before they submit an enquiry with you.

To do so, proceed to your System > Settings > TutorCruncher API > API Integrations and select your 'Socket Integration'. On the following page, click 'Edit' and refer to the section at the bottom called 'Link to terms and conditions'. If this section contains a link to a page on your website where you have added your terms and conditions, then your website's enquiry forms will include a link to this along with a new checkbox that asks your users to read them before they submit their enquiry.

How do I remove a field from my enquiry form?

There are a few fields that we won't allow you to remove from the enquiry form by default; they are Name, Email, Phone Number and Student Name. If you want to remove these, we suggest custom CSS on your page or using a custom enquiry form.

If you want to remove other fields, these will be Custom Fields you have created for your branch. Simply find them under System > Settings > Custom Fields. You can choose to delete them completely, or simply remove them on the Enquiry form by clicking on the Custom Field, unchecking the 'Enquiry Form' option and clicking save.

How do I make a field required on my enquiry form?

If you want some of the fields on your form to be required, you can do this using custom fields. To do so, navigate to Settings > System Customization > Custom Fields, and select the field that applies to the client. You can then edit that Custom Field, making sure that the 'Required' box is checked.

Can I edit the text that is shown when an enquiry form is submitted?

Yes, you can edit the text that a client sees when an enquiry form is submitted. You can use one of our customised text examples here to achieve this. The script can be edited to change the inquiry button, as well as the text that is shown when a form is submitted.

Can I have two separate enquiry forms on my website?

Yes, you can have two separate enquiry forms on your website if you wish. Each branch can only have one Socket integration, however, you can edit the code to include two different elements on your website.

Why isn't the reCAPTCHA working on my enquiry form?

Some website providers do not support the use of reCAPTCHA. If you are using GoDaddy, then this will not work on your site and you may see the following error.

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