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Getting Started with TutorCruncher Socket
Getting Started with TutorCruncher Socket

Learn how to use the TutorCruncher Socket to list your Tutors on your website.

Sam Linge avatar
Written by Sam Linge
Updated over 9 months ago

With TutorCruncher Socket, you can list your Tutors online, allow Clients to enquire and directly request a Tutor, and also allow Clients to book Lessons. Socket uses TutorCruncher’s API and you can look at this website for an example of how Socket could look on your website, as well as examples of different features of Socket in action.

There are two ways of accessing TutorCruncher's API - either straight through the API documentation or by using TutorCruncher Socket Server.

Currently there is nothing that can be accessed through the API that can't be accessed with TutorCruncher Socket Server, so we recommend using that.

Note: Our socket integrations use JavaScript. The free version of many website builders, such as WordPress and SquareSpace, block JavaScript meaning your socket integrations will not show up - please make sure to double-check that your website builder supports JavaScript.

To enable TutorCruncher Socket, follow these steps, navigate to System > Settings > TutorCruncher API > API Integrations, and click the Add Socket Integration button.

With that selected, you should see the following:

Setup Socket Integration.


  • Your public API key is included in the Webhook URL.

  • Your private API key is found under API key and should never be shared with anyone.

There are three main ways of utilising the TutorCruncher socket for your website, see the links below for guides on how to set up...

Where do I find my public API key?

Your API key can be found when you select your Socket integration from the 'Integrations' panel found within System > Settings > TutorCruncher API > API.

Setup Socket Integration.

An example of an 'Integrations' panel.

Your public API key is the one included in the Webhook URL between and /contractors/set.

In the example above, it's 123456789abc, and will be used to integrate the Socket integration into your website.

You can also use '9c79f14df986a1ec693c' as a test key to work with any Socket integration. Please note that this will not submit anything to your TutorCruncher account.

How do I import Socket onto my website?

The first step is to import socket into the page.

Anywhere on the page between either the <head></head> or <body></body> tags, insert the following line:

<script src=""></script>

We recommend putting it just before the last </body> tag, so it's easy to find. For instance:

<body> <!-- Rest of your webpage code --> <script src=""></script> </body>

Virtually all major website builders (i.e. Wix, Wordpress, SquareSpace etc.) allow you to add an element for custom HTML code - simply add one of those in, and then paste in the code snippet from one of our examples to get started.

I've received a 'Wrong Origin Domain' error on my website preview - what do I do

To rectify this, simply copy the URL displayed in the 403 error message into the list of your ‘Allowed Domains’ in your socket integration settings page (System > Settings > TutorCruncher API > API > Socket Integration) and click Save. If the error persists, then replace the number in the URL with an asterisk(*).

Adding the origin domain to a socket integration’s ‘Allowed Domains’.

How do I add an allowed domain to socket?

Because your API key is public, anyone who viewed your website could potentially use your key to display your Tutors on their own website. To prevent this, we check that the website you are trying to load Socket from is the same one that was entered into TutorCruncher.

You can add more via System > Settings > TutorCruncher API > API, before selecting your Socket integration from the list and clicking Edit. You can then add the domain to the list under 'Allowed Domains'.

How do I add Socket in when building my website?

Virtually all major website builders (i.e. Wix, Wordpress, SquareSpace etc.) allow you to add an element for custom HTML code - simply add one of those in, and then paste in the code snippet from one of our examples to get started.

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