Lesson Reports

Learn how to use lesson reports and have these sent to your clients when is lesson is marked as complete

Sam Linge avatar
Written by Sam Linge
Updated over a week ago

What is a lesson report?

Reports allow you, the tutors, and the clients, to keep track of the students' progress. When a lesson is marked as complete, the user will be prompted to fill in a lesson report. You can also customise your reports by creating extra fields using custom Field definitions.

How do I make reports on a lesson required?

By default, a user marking a lesson as complete can opt-out of writing a report. To require writing a report, navigate to System > Settings > People and Activity > Activity. Scroll down to 'Report Visibility', enable the checkbox for 'Lesson Reports Required'. This will prevent lessons from being marked as complete until they have a Report written for them.

You can also make lesson reports required on individual jobs. When editing a jobs settings, scroll down to the 'More Settings' section. Here, you can enable the checkbox for 'Lesson Reports Required' for that specific job. It's also worth noting that this setting will be turned on automatically if 'Auto Invoice' is enabled.

Is there a way to skip submitting a lesson report on a job?

Yes, if you don't want to make lesson reports required on a job, then you can disable this within the job settings. First, navigate to ‘Accounting Settings’ and make sure that ‘Auto Invoice’ is not enabled. Then under ‘More Settings’, uncheck the box for ‘Lesson Reports Required’. When a lesson is marked as complete, the tutor will now be given an option to skip submitting the report if they wish.

How do I make extra fields on a report?

The fields on this report can be customised using custom Field definitions. For example, you could add an 'attainment' field if you would like to report a student's performance over time.

Navigate to System > Settings > System Customization > Custom Fields and click the 'Add Custom Field' button. Under 'Apply To', select 'Report', then fill in the required information and click 'Submit'. Note that in order for your users to see the extra field, you must select the 'Role Access' checkbox on the form.

Custom Fields can also be added to jobs, users, and lessons in addition to reports.

How can I view a lesson report?

Lesson Reports can be viewed from the lesson's page by going to the Activity Tab, but you can also find all of the lesson reports for your agency by going to the Activity > Reports tab. This page contains all the information on a report, including fields not shown to clients. Clicking 'View Report PDF' will show you the report as it would be viewed by a client.

How can I send lesson reports to clients?

Your clients are able to log in and view lesson reports for their students. You also have two options to automatically email your clients their lesson reports so that they don't even have to log in:

  1. You can include lesson reports as a separate document with the client's invoices.

  2. You can automatically send the lesson reports as soon as the tutor writes them.

You can also apply a filter in Activity > Reports which will give you an option to send all reports caught by that filter on a single PDF to the relevant client, this can be useful if providing the client with a full history of the progression of that student.

Option 1 is done by going to System > Settings > People and Activity > Activity where you can set your preferred 'Report Visibility' to have them included in the invoice emails.

For Option 2 If you want reports to be sent out immediately after the lesson is marked as complete, you will need to activate the corresponding email definition. Go to System > Settings > Communication Settings > Email Definitions. Click on the plus sign next to 'A Report was created for an Appointment' to edit and activate this automated email. It is set to not send by default.

Can a client view a report that hasn’t been approved yet?

No, lesson reports that have not been approved by an admin will not be viewable to the client.

Can I review lesson reports before they are sent?

You can review and approve your lesson reports before they are made available to your clients. In your System > Settings > People and Activity > Activity, you can enable the checkbox marked ‘Approve appointment reports before sending’.

With this field active, all of your new lesson reports will be shown under a new report approval screen, via your Activity > Reports > Approve Reports.

This page will show all of the lesson reports which await your approval. You can go into these reports and edit them, ensuring that all areas of spelling are top-notch, before approving them. To do so, simply tick the checkbox next to the corresponding report and it will be ready for approval. When you select ‘Approve’ at the bottom of the page, all of the ticked items will be approved. If a report remains unapproved on this screen it will not be viewable to the client.

Once the report(s) has been approved, it does one of the following based on the settings in your system:

  1. Be eligible for inclusion as a separate document with the invoice email for the client

  2. Sent out immediately to the client

How do I view lessons that are awaiting reports?

If you want to see what lessons are still awaiting reports, you can view this in the lesson list view. This can be found by navigating to Activity > Calendar > View on List, and also when you select 'Show All' on the list of lessons on the job details page or user profile pages.

How can students access lesson reports?

By default, lesson reports are not viewable to students. However, you can make them available for students to access when they log in.

All you need to do is locate the custom fields associated with your lesson reports by going to System > Settings > System Customization > Custom Fields. By selecting the relevant custom fields, you can then tick the checkbox marked 'Student Access' in order to make those available for your students to view.

Note that if you only wish for certain fields to be viewable to your students, then you would only enable 'Student Access' for the corresponding fields.

Why can't I edit a lesson report?

There are a few reasons why you might not be able to edit a lesson report. The first is to check and make sure that the status of the job has been marked as 'Finished'. Next thing to do is check and see if the lesson has been invoiced for. If this is the case, you will need to void the corresponding invoice to edit the report. You also have the ability to enable ‘Approve appointment reports before sending’ in System > Settings > People & Activity > Activity. With this enabled, you can edit and approve each report before they are sent out to clients. To do so, simply tick the checkbox next to the corresponding report and it will be ready for approval. When you select ‘Approve’ at the bottom of the page, all of the ticked items will be approved.

Can a tutor make edits to a lesson report once it has been submitted?

Unfortunately, tutors cannot make edits to a lesson report once it has been submitted.

Can I delete a lesson report?

You have the ability to make edits to a report by voiding any corresponding invoices on the lesson. However, a lesson report cannot be deleted.

Can I download a PDF containing all the lesson reports for a student?

Yes, you can download a PDF of all the lesson reports that pertain to a student. First, navigate to Activity > Reports, and select ‘Filter’ tab at the top of the page. Choose the student's name, and select what date range you want to filter the lessons for. Once that information has been entered and saved, select the ‘Download Reports’ field at the top of the page. This will download a PDF file of all the lesson reports that relate to the student.

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