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Learn about Lesson Reports work on TutorCruncher here.

Sam Linge avatar
Written by Sam Linge
Updated over 4 months ago

Reports allow you, Tutors, and Clients to all keep an eye on a Student's progress. When a Lesson is marked as complete, the Tutor will be prompted to fill out a Lesson Report (note that this can be optional or mandatory as per your System Settings).

To see how reports function from the Tutor’s perspective, see here.

Reports can be found via Activity > Reports. Navigating here will open the Reports page, which contains a list of all Reports that have been submitted by your Tutors; the Lesson the Report was for; the Tutor who authored the Report, the Student the Report is for, alongside details about the Lesson’s start and finish time.

Here you can also select Reports to be downloaded or sent to their relevant Clients - simply use the Filter button to filter out your Reports by their relevant Job, Student, Client, Client Manager, Report Author or date range before selecting Filter - once that has been done, you can then download the selected Reports as a batch PDF file or sent in a batch to the relevant Client(s).

An example of a Reports page.

How can I send Lesson Reports to Clients?

There are four ways you can give your Clients access to Lesson Reports:

Viewing the reports via the Client dashboard:

If you have ‘Client login’ enabled via System > Settings > Company Details > Branch Details, Clients are able to login via your secure URL and select the Lesson Reports tab via their Client dashboard. Navigating here will open the Reports page, which includes a list of all Reports submitted for any of their Students, alongside a record of which Lesson it was for, who the author of the Report was, and a record of when the Report was submitted.

The Reports page accessed via the Client dashboard - note that Clients can use the Filter button to filter out their Reports by the relevant Job, Lesson, Student or date range.

Include the Report as a separate PDF with the Client’s Invoice:

You can do this by navigating to System > Settings > People and Activity > Activity where you can adjust the ‘Report Visibility’ so that Reports are ‘Viewable to Clients and included in Invoice emails’.

The Activity panel in system settings, with ‘Report Visibility’ highlighted.

Automatically send the Lesson Reports as soon as the Tutor writes them:

In order for this to happen you will need to enable to the relevant Email Definition - navigate to System > Settings > Communication Settings > Email Definitions and enable the ‘A Report was created for a Lesson’ Email Definition (this is disabled by default) to have Lesson Reports sending out automatically.

The Activity section of the Email Definitions page, with the ‘A Report was created for a Lesson’ Email Definition highlighted.

Send the Reports manually via Activity > Reports.

As mentioned above, you can also navigate to Activity > Reports and apply a filter before sending out a batch of Reports to a specific Client or Clients based on the filter you’ve applied - simply apply the filter and then use the Send to Client(s) button to send out a batch of relevant Reports to those Clients - this is useful in cases where you wish to provide a Client with a full history detailing the progression of their Student.

How can I edit/customize my Reports?

Reports can be edited or customized via any Custom Fields listed under ‘Reports’ - for example, you could create an ‘attainment’ field for cases where you wish to track a Student’s performance over time. Simply navigate to System > Settings > System Customization > Custom Fields and select Add Custom Field - here you can specify a Custom Field to apply to Reports and specify the Custom Fields’ type, name and whether or not it is required before clicking Submit.

By default, only Administrators (with the relevant permissions) or a Student’s associated Client(s) can view reports; in order for other user types to see these Custom Fields from their end you must specify which role types can access/view the Custom Field via the checkbox list below the main forms.

Creating a Custom Field for Reports.

Can I approve Reports before they’re sent to my Clients?

Yes - while in the Reports page, select Reports Approval to see a list of Lesson Reports that need your approval before sending. Here you can also use the Filter button to filter out unapproved Reports by their relevant Job, Student, Client, Client Manager, Report Author or date range. Note that for this to work you will need to have ‘Approve lesson reports before sending’ activated in System > Settings > People and Activity > Activity.

An example of an Approve Lesson Reports page.

Can I make writing Lesson Reports mandatory?

By default, when a Tutor marks a Lesson by complete, they will have the option to forgo writing a Report. In order to make this mandatory, navigate to System > Settings > People and Activity and select the ‘Lesson reports required’ checkbox. Selecting this will mean that your users will not be able to mark any Lessons as complete until they have a Report written and submitted for them.

It’s important to note that if you have Auto Invoice enabled in System > Settings > Accounting Settings > General, Lesson Reports are always required, and will be sent alongside either the ‘Payment Request’ or ‘Payment Made from Credit’ Email Definitions (depending on whether you are billing in arrears or in advance respectively.)

Can I download a PDF containing all the Lesson Reports for a Student?

You can download a PDF of all the Lesson Reports that pertain to a Student by navigating to Activity > Reports, and selecting Filter. Choose the Student's name, and select what date range you want to filter the Lessons for before submitting, before selecting Download Reports. This will download a PDF file of all the Lesson Reports for that Student in the given date range.

Can I make Lesson Reports required for some Jobs, but not for others?

Whether or not Lesson Reports are required or not can be specified at the Job level by navigating to the Job, selecting Actions > Edit and toggling the ‘Lesson Reports Required’ checkbox under the ‘More Settings’ tab.

Can a Tutor make edits to a Lesson Report once it has been submitted?

Tutors cannot make edits to a Lesson Report once the Invoice or Payment Order has been Raised for the associated Lesson.

Can I delete a Lesson Report?

You have the ability to make edits to a Report by voiding any corresponding invoices on the Lesson. However, a Lesson Report cannot be deleted.

Why can’t I edit a Lesson Report?

Troubleshooting steps:

  • Has the Lesson’s Job been marked as ‘Finished’? If so, you won’t be able to edit any attached Lesson Reports.

  • Has the Lesson been invoiced for? If so, you won’t be able to edit the attached Lesson Report, and will need to void any Invoices or Payment Orders associated with the Report’s Lesson.

Why aren’t my Lesson Reports sending?

Troubleshooting steps:

  • Do you have auto invoice enabled? If so, Lesson Reports will be sent as a PDF alongside the Payment Request Email Definition.

  • In cases where your Clients are prepaying via Credit Requests, and you have ‘Automatically mark Invoices paid’ enabled in your general accounting settings, the Lesson Report will be included in the ‘Payment made from credit’ Email Definition.

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