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Tutors, Clients and Students on Jobs

Learn the basics of adding users to jobs, as well as the viewing permissions you can assign to tutors

Sam Linge avatar
Written by Sam Linge
Updated over a week ago

How do I add students to a job?

Administrators can add students to a job by navigating to a job's details page and clicking the plus icon on the 'Students' panel. Then select the student you wish to add to the job and click 'Save'. You can also set a custom charge rate and add an affiliate.

Alternatively, you can add students to a job from a client's/student's profile. Navigate to a client's/student's profile and click the plus icon on the 'Jobs' panel. Select the job you wish to add the student to, then click 'Save'. If your client has multiple students associated with their account, then you can add all or some of them from the client's page.

How do I manually add tutors to a job?

If you don't want to add tutors to a job through the application system, you can instead do so manually. Navigate to a job's details page and click the plus icon on the 'Tutors' panel. Then select the tutor you wish to add to the job, set their permissions, and click 'Save'. You can also set a custom pay rate.

Alternatively, you can add tutors to a job from a tutor's profile. Navigate to a tutor's profile and click the plus icon on the 'Jobs' panel. Select the job you wish to add the tutor to, then click 'Save'.

How do I share contact details between a tutor and a client/student?

On a job, you are able to select 'Send Confirmation email' to either the client or tutor on that job. This is so that you can give your users the information to get in contact with each other once the job has been confirmed and there is a student and tutor on the job.

Send confirmation emails so that your users can connect

Can a tutor view a student's details on a job?

By default, a tutor will only be able to see the name of the student they are on a job with. If you wanted the tutor to see the students basic information, then you can enable this in your system settings. Navigate to System > Settings > People & Activity > People, and check the box for ‘Tutors view Student/Client details’. With this enabled, the tutor will be able to see the students basic details such as a home address, as well as their email address.

Can a tutor view a client's balance on a job?

Yes, a tutor can view a clients balance on a job. If you wish to enable this setting, navigate to System > Settings > Accounting Settings > Client Balances, and enable the box for ‘ Tutors view Client balances’. Once that setting has been updated, a tutor will be able to view a Clients' balance if they are on the same Job or Lesson.

How do I add an affiliate to a student?

You can add an affiliate to a student by going to the job's details page and clicking the Jobs Default Rate tab on the right-hand side of the students name.

Select the 'Add affiliate' box, enter the desired affiliate and commission percentage, and click 'Save'. The affiliate will be added to any lesson on the job with that student that has not yet been invoiced.

How can I specify the permissions a tutor has on a job?

As an administrator of the company, you can set permissions on a job as you create it. If you schedule all lessons for the tutors, select 'Tutor can only mark lessons Complete'. If you schedule a set number of lessons but allow the tutor freedom to change the timings, then select 'Tutor can edit lessons'. Finally, if you want your tutors to schedule the lessons and use TutorCruncher as a timesheet, then select 'Tutor can add and edit lessons'.

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