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Learn how the Jobs system works in TutorCruncher.

Sam Linge avatar
Written by Sam Linge
Updated over a week ago

Jobs are the main link between Tutors and Students. They can have one or multiple Tutors/Students attached to them. They could represent a particular course offered by an organisation, or a subject (or unit within a subject) being offered by an institution - or they could simply be a record of all past and future Lessons planned for a particular Student or group of Students. Jobs could also represent the relationship between a Student/group of Students and a Tutor.

A Job’s page is where Administrators and/or Tutors will go to assign Students and Tutors to one another and plan Lessons, alongside marking past Lessons as completed or cancelled.

Jobs can be found via Activity > Jobs - navigating here will bring you to a list of all of your organisation’s Jobs. You can filter out this list via the Filter function.

An example of the Jobs list found in Activity > Jobs.

How do I create a new Job?

Step-by-step process:

  1. Navigate to Activity > Jobs and select Create New Job.

    Creating a new Job.

  2. Fill in the Job’s details - we recommend using a short, but descriptive title. Many of our Clients use naming conventions which include information such as: subject, Student and/or Tutor first name(s), day of the week, time, etc. Descriptions include other details that you want Tutors, Students and Clients to all have access to - perhaps including special requirements for the Job.

    Filling in a Job's details.

  3. You can set up the Charge Type which allows you to set the default unit in which Lessons are charged. This can be per hour or per lesson, but you can also decide whether to issue charges to each student, or assign a general flat rate that would be split equally depending on how many students have been assigned. Here you can also set the Default Charge and Tutor Rates for the Job.

    Adjusting a Job's charge type.

  4. In the 'More Settings' panel, you can set the Default Tutor Permissions, set the cap limit for the number of Lessons or hours within the job. To ensure that a Tutor and student are added to the job before it can be marked as completed, then enable the ‘Require Student’ and ‘Require Tutor’ checkboxes. Additionally, you have the option to add a fee per lesson, set the job inactivity time and specify the maximum number of students that can be added to the Job.

    The 'More Settings' panel.

  5. In the 'Accounting Settings' tab, you can Apply a Sales Code for the Job, specify a Tax Setting, enable/disable Auto Invoice, and specify the default tax rates to be used on both your commission rate and the Tutor's pay rate.

    The 'Accounting Settings' panel.

  6. Clicking Save will create the new Job and redirect you to the Job’s summary page. What status the Job has will depend on the 'Default Job Status' you have enabled in System > Settings > People and Activity > Activity.

    A newly-created Job.

  7. Specify which Tutors will be teaching Lessons on the Job and which Students will be receiving them by adding Students and Tutors using the Add button on the summary page.

    Adding Tutors and Students to a Job.

  8. Schedule a Lesson on the Job via the Add New Lesson button found on the Lessons panel. Selecting this will open the ‘Create Lesson for Job’ page, wherein you can specify the Lesson’s start and end time, the Lesson’s topic, its location and which of the Students/Tutors assigned to the Job will be taking it. You can also give an outline of the Lesson’s requirements should you wish. Read more about Lessons here.

    Scheduling a Lesson on a Job.

  9. Optional step: Upload any relevant Documents to the Job (such as worksheets or homework assignments) alongside any Notes commenting on the Job or its assigned users that other Administrators need to be aware of.

    Uploading Documents and Notes to a Job's summary page.

You can alternatively create Jobs from Tutor, Client, and Student profiles by selecting the Add to/Create new Job button on the Jobs panel within their Activity tab. This will take you to the Add Job form and will automatically attach the Tutor/Student(s) to the Job.

Creating a Job from a Client's profile.

Note: Only Administrators can create Jobs.

Breakdown of a Job’s page:

An example of a Job’s page - in this case, the Job is Finished with all Lessons marked as complete.

Each Job page will contain:

  1. The Job’s title and status - note that the Job’s status can be adjusted via Actions > Set Status.

  2. The Summary tab - this contains the Job’s general information, including its default charge rate, job description, which Students and Tutors are assigned to it, a record of past and future Lessons, a list of all Documents related to the job, and any notes left by Administrators.

  3. The Activity tab - containing an expanded Lesson list, alongside any Ad Hoc Charges associated with the Job, any active Tasks related to the Job, and an Activity Feed showing a record of all user actions associated with the Job.

  4. The Matching tab - contains a record of any job applications made to the Job, alongside a list of the Job’s required/desired skill level.

  5. The Reviews tab - containing a list of the review feedback left by your Clients for any Tutors who have undertaken Lessons on this Job.

  6. The Communications tab - a list of all outbound emails and SMS messages that relate to the Job.

A Job’s Activity tab.

Where can I find my Jobs?

A list of your Jobs can be found via Activity > Jobs. Here you will find a list of all of the Jobs that have been created on your TutorCruncher platform, including their assigned Students, Tutors, when the Job last had Activity recorded on it, and the Job’s status.

An example of a Jobs list.

Here you can:

  • View a Job’s main summary page by selecting its name on the list.

  • Cycle through the status tabs at the top of the list to filter out Jobs by their status.

  • Use the Create New Job button to create a new Job.

  • Use the Filter button to filter the list out by a Job’s details, including its charge type, charge/pay rate ranges, creation date range, inactivity time, which users have been assigned to it, alongside any attached labels.

  • Use the ‘Label Filter’ dropdown menu to quickly filter out the Jobs shown in the list by their assigned Labels.

Each Job listed here will have a coloured circle next to its name on the list - these circles represent the Calendar colour that the Job has been assigned, which dictates how Lessons from that Job are displayed in the Calendar view. This can be particularly useful when used in tandem with Labels to distinguish Jobs and Lessons by their different categories at a glance.

What do the Job statuses mean?

  • Pending: The Job has not started yet.

  • In Progress: The Job is in progress.

  • Available for Application: Approved Tutors can apply to this Job.

  • Finished: The Job is finished; no new Lessons can be added to the Job, nor can any Lessons be edited either

  • Gone Cold: No activity (i.e. Lessons completed or Ad Hoc Charges raised) has taken place on the Job for a certain amount of time (this is specified via your Job inactivity Time).

To change a Job's status, simply navigate to the Job’s summary page and select Actions > Set Status before choosing the desired Job status from the dropdown menu.

Changing the status of a Job.

Newly-created Jobs will be given the ‘Available for Application’ status by default, unless otherwise specified when creating the Job. To change the default status for newly-created Jobs, navigate to System > Settings > People and Activity > Activity and choose a default status from the ‘Default Job Status’ dropdown menu.

How do I edit a Job?

Jobs can be edited by navigating to the Job’s main page and selecting Actions > Edit. This will open the Edit Job page, wherein you can adjust the settings that were specified when creating the Job. Note that, when changing the charge type and the default charge rate, the charges on any planned Lessons will be charged only if they are using the Job’s default rate. Only Administrators can edit a Job.

The Edit Job page.

If you would like to adjust the default location for a Job, you can do so by selecting Actions > Set Default Location on the Job’s main page - this will open the Select Default Location panel, where you can specify either the Tutor or Student’s address (this information is pulled from their user profiles). If you’d like to use a new location, you can create a new one via System > Settings > People and Activity > Locations.

How do I add users to a Job?

To add a Student to a Job, simply navigate to the Job’s main summary page before selecting Add on the ‘Students’ panel. This will open the ‘Add a Student’ panel, from where you can choose a Student either by selecting their name from the dropdown list or typing their (or their Client’s) name into the search bar. Under the More settings tab you can charge a custom rate for that Student and choose to Assign credit to be used from the balance of the paying Client of the Student. You can also expand the ‘Charitable Donation’ tab to add an Ad Hoc Charge to be donated towards the Student.

Adding a Student to a Job.

To add a Tutor to a Job, simply navigate to the Job’s main summary page before selecting Add on the ‘Tutors’ section. This will open the ‘Tutors’ panel, from where you can choose a Tutor either by selecting their name from the dropdown list or typing their name into the search bar. Under the More settings tab you can also choose to pay a custom rate for that Tutor, and there is a dropdown menu titled ‘Tutor Permissions’ where you can specify the Tutor’s permissions for that Job.

Adding a Tutor to a Job.

How do I add an Online Integration to a Job?

Simply navigate to the Job's summary page before selecting Actions > Select Online Integration to open the 'Set Online Integration' panel - from there, you can choose the desired integration from the dropdown menu.

Selecting an Online Integration on a Job.

How do I delete a Job?

A Job can be deleted via the Job’s summary page - from here, select Actions > Delete. Note that all Lessons associated with this Job will also be deleted, including any that are on an Invoice. It’s important that this feature is used with care in order to avoid scheduling and accounting errors.

Deleting a Job.

Can I recover a deleted Job?

Yes - Administrators can recover deleted Jobs by navigating to System > Trash and selecting the Deleted Jobs tab, from where you can find the Job you wish to restore and select Recover. Any Lessons that were deleted on this Job will not be recovered automatically and must be done so individually.

Recovering a deleted Job.

How do I upload a Document onto a Job?

If you have materials for a specific Job that you want to be made available to Tutors and/or Students/Clients, you can upload them onto the Job. Navigate to the Job's main page and select the Upload button on the Job’s Documents panel. Select the file you wish to upload and Submit. The Document will be available to any user on the Job and Administrator from the Job's details page.

Note: All users assigned to that Job will be able to view the Document by default - read more about Documents here.

How do I specify desired/required skills for a Job?

You can specify which skills are preferred/required for by navigating to the Matching section and selecting on the 'Skill Sets' panel. Select whether the skill set is required or preferred, and specify a qualification level and/or category and subject, then select 'Save'. Multiple skill sets can be placed on a Job.

Required/preferred skills for a Job can be specified via the Matching tab on the Job’s main page and selecting Add on the Skill Set panel. This will open the Desired Skills panel, from which you can specify whether the skill is required or merely preferred, the level of skill required for the Job, and the desired subject category for any desired skills.

A Job’s Matching tab - in this example, Tutor applicants with a PHD in accounting are preferred.

TutorCruncher will compare the desired skill sets on a Job with your Tutors’ skills. When a Tutor views their Available Jobs page, they will be able to cycle between tabs that show them Jobs for which they are partially or fully qualified. When you send Job notifications, you can also choose to send them to partially or fully qualified Tutors, making it easier to match Tutors to appropriate Jobs. Your Tutors will be still able to apply to any available Job, regardless of qualifications.

An example of a Tutor’s Available Jobs page.

How do I find a Tutor for a Job based on the Tutor's location?

You can invite Tutors within a certain geographic radius to apply for a Job by following these steps:

  1. Assign a default Location to the Job if you haven't already - you can do this by navigating to the Job's main page and selecting Actions > Set Default Location.

    Assigning a default location to a Job.

  2. Navigate to the Job's 'Matching' tab and select the Send Notifications button within the 'Job Applications' panel. This will open the 'Send Job Notifications' panel, from where you can apply a location filter (in miles) to specify the radius from the Job's default location.

    Inviting Tutors to apply for a Job based on their proximity to the Job's Location.

  3. Click Send Notifications to notify the listed Tutors of the available Job.

How do I advertise a Job to Tutors based on their Labels?

Tutors can be invited to apply for Jobs based on any Labels applied to their profile by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Job's 'Matching' tab and select the Send Notifications button within the 'Job Applications' panel. This will open the 'Send Job Notifications' panel, from where you can filter out the recipient Tutors by any Labels they have applied to their profiles by choosing them from the 'Labels' dropdown menu.

    Inviting Tutors to apply for a Job based on their Labels.

Can I include information about a Job not covered by the default Job settings?

You can customise what information is detailed on your Jobs by using Custom Fields. If you create a Custom Field, and set it to apply to Jobs, that Custom Field will be shown whenever an Administrator creates or edits a Job.

Navigate to System > Settings > System Customization > Custom Fields and select Add Custom Field. Set the Job’s ‘Apply To’ field to Job and specify the Job’s name and type via the dropdown menu. From here you can also specify whether the field is required when creating/editing a Job alongside which user types can access/edit/view the Custom Field (note that your Tutors will not be able to view or edit your Custom Fields without toggling the ‘Tutor can view’ checkbox).

Can I export a list of my Jobs?

Yes, you can - simply navigate to System > Export and select Jobs. This will open the Job Export window, from which you can specify the date range for the Jobs you’d like to export. Selecting a date range and clicking Submit will export a CSV file containing all data (including data held in your Custom Fields) relevant to your Jobs - a useful feature for cases where you’d like to report on your Jobs, for instance how many applicants received per Job or the total Client cost per Job.

Can I limit how much of my Client’s prepaid credit can be used on a particular Job?

Yes - this can be done via Assigned Credit. Assigned Credit is a feature that allows you to assign credit from a paying Client’s account to a particular Job, limiting the amount that can be spent on that Job. It is useful if your Clients are paying upfront to have Lessons with a particular Tutor, or for a particular Job.

To use Assigned Credits,

  1. Navigate to System > Settings > People and Activity > Activity and enable ‘Use Assigned Credit’.

  2. Navigate to the Job where you would like to assign credit.

  3. Select the purple pen & paper icon next to the Student's name before selecting the ‘Assign Credit’ checkbox.

  4. Enter the amount you wish to assign from the Client's credit to that Job before clicking Save.

Assigning credit to a Job

Once this is done, the amount of that Client’s credit will be limited to whatever value is input into the ‘Assigned Credit’ field.

Note: Assigned Credit only limits the amount of credit that can be spent on a Job for a Client. That credit is not just limited to that Job, so it can be used against any raised Invoices.

What does it mean when a Job has ‘Gone Cold’?

TutorCruncher will automatically mark a Job as ‘Gone Cold’ if there have been no Lessons marked as ‘complete’ or Ad Hoc Charges raised on a Job for the amount of time specified in the ‘Job Inactivity Time’ number field found in System > Settings > People and Activity > Activity - this setting will apply to any Job that hasn’t been marked by an Administrator as ‘Finished’.

Once the ‘Gone Cold’ status has been applied, the relevant Client Manager for the Clients assigned to that Job will have a Task automatically created for them instructing them to follow up on the Job if necessary. Administrators who have the ‘Daily Update Notifications’ option enabled under their Received Notifications settings in their profile will also receive a summary of any Jobs that were marked as ‘Gone Cold’ that day, allowing them to easily track which Jobs are inactive, and might need attention.

How do I stop receiving daily reminders for ‘Gone Cold’ Tasks?

You can stop daily reminders for existing Tasks by navigating to Activity > Tasks and marking those Tasks as ‘Complete’ to prevent further notifications for them from being sent.

If you would like to stop Tasks from being created altogether when a Job has ‘Gone Cold’, you can do so by navigating to System > Settings > People and Activity > Activity and disabling the ‘Create Gone Cold Tasks’ checkbox.

Will a Tutor see a Student’s details on a Job marked as ‘Pending’?

When a Tutor or a Student has been assigned to a Job that is marked as ‘Pending’, the Tutor will only be able to see the name of the Student. When the Job status is set to ‘In Progress’, and a Job confirmation email has been sent, the Tutor will then be able to view the Student’s full information including their contact details.

What does it mean when a Job is marked as ’Available for Application’?

When a Job is created, the 'Available for Application' status is applied by default. This means that the Job will appear in the ‘Available Jobs’ list when they navigate to the ‘Available Jobs’ tab on their dashboard. They will be shown the Job’s name, description and pay rate. They will not be shown the assigned Client’s name or address or how much the Client is being charged.

An example of a Job as it appears in a Tutor’s ‘Available Jobs’ page.

Once a Job has been marked as ‘Available for Application’, notifications can be sent out to your Tutors informing them of the available work. To keep these notifications relevant to the right Tutors, you can specify desired or required skills for that Job to filter out the list of potential Tutors (you can also add filters based on a Tutor’s Location or Label).

You can then choose to notify all Tutors whose profiles have been marked as ‘Approved’, or only those with all of the required skills, or any Tutors who have at least one matching skill. Using skills in this way means that you can ensure that your Tutors only receive notifications for Jobs that are relevant to them.

Note: Job notifications will only be sent to a Tutor if their profile has not been deleted, has been approved, has a working email address and has the relevant Job notifications enabled. You can check to see whether a Tutor has their Job notifications turned on by navigating to their profile via People > Tutors and selecting Actions > Edit Profile - the ‘Receive Job Notifications’ checkbox can be found there under the ‘Received Notifications’ list.

Once a Tutor has applied to a Job, you can view their application by navigating to the Job, selecting the ‘Matching’ tab and either view further details of their application by clicking their name or approve/reject their application with the Approve or Reject buttons.

A Tutor’s application to a Job as it appears in the ‘Matching’ tab.

Viewing the details of a Tutor’s Job application.

Administrators and Client Managers can be notified of Job applications from Tutors if the relevant group of users has been selected from the ‘Group to notify when a Tutor applies to a Job’ dropdown menu found in System > Settings > People and Activity > Activity. Here you can choose whether to send Job application notifications to Administrators, Client Managers or both. There is also the option to disable Job application notifications altogether here.

How do I send Job confirmation emails to my users?

Job confirmation emails can be sent to Clients or Tutors (or both) by navigating to the ‘Communications’ tab on a Job before clicking the Send Email button in the ‘Related Emails’ panel. This will open a dropdown menu prompting you to opt to send a confirmation email to either the assigned Tutor(s) or Client(s). Selecting one of these options will then open the ‘Send Confirmation to Tutor(s)/Client(s) panel, from where you can choose which users to send the confirmation to from the ‘Send to’ dropdown menu and also choose which upcoming Lessons to include in the email.

Sending a Job confirmation email to a Client.

Job confirmation emails to Tutors contain:

  • The Job’s name and description.

  • The Lesson(s) date and time.

  • The Tutor’s pay rate for the Job.

  • The Student’s contact information.

  • The Client’s contact information.

  • The Job’s location.

  • The Job’s required skill set.

Job confirmation emails to Clients contain:

  • The Lesson(s) date and time.

  • The Client’s charge rate for the Job.

  • The Tutor’s contact details.

  • The Job’s location.

  • The assigned Client Manager who will be their point of contact.

As with all other automated emails sent via TutorCruncher, the contents of these emails can be adjusted via System > Settings Communication Settings > Email Definitions. The relevant Email Definitions here are ‘Job confirmation email to a Tutor’ and ‘Job confirmation to a Client’.

What is a ‘Charge Type’ on a Job?

A Job’s ‘charge type’ refers to the default unit by which Lessons on that Job are charged (i.e. per Lesson or per hour). For example, you might want to set a different charge rate to each Student assigned to a Lesson, or set a flat fee for all Students in a group Lesson, regardless of how many Students are assigned to that Lesson. The different Job charge types are as follows:

  • Per hour, for each Student: Lessons will be charged hourly, with the Job’s default rate being assigned to each Student on that Lesson.

  • Per Lesson, for each Student: Charges will be issued to Students’ paying Clients on a per Lesson basis, regardless of the Lesson duration. The Job’s default rate will be assigned to each Student on that Lesson.

  • Per hour, split between Students: Lessons will be charged hourly, with the Job’s default rate being split equally among the Students who attended the Lesson.

  • Per Lesson, split between Students: Charges will be issued to Students’ paying Clients on a per Lesson basis, with the Job’s default rate being split equally among the Students who attended the Lesson.

What is a ‘Job cap’?

A Job’s ‘cap’ refers to the limit of units (Lessons or hours of Lessons) that can be scheduled for a Job. For instance, if a Job’s cap is set to ‘3’, and the Job has an hourly charge type, then no more Lessons can be scheduled on that Job after three hours’ worth of Lessons have been scheduled.

A Job’s cap can be specified or edited by navigating to the relevant Job’s summary page and selecting Actions > Edit before expanding the ‘More Settings’ tab and assigning a desired value in the ‘Cap’ number field. Once this has been input, TutorCruncher will then display the number of units that have been logged in that Job, within the context of the assigned cap.

A Job’s ‘More Settings’ tab, with the ‘Cap’ number field highlighted.

How do I apply a custom charge rate to a Student on a Job?

When adding a Student to a Job, select the ‘More Settings’ tab in the ‘Add a Student’ panel and enable the ‘Charge custom rate’ checkbox before specifying the desired custom rate in the ‘Custom Charge Rate’ number field.

Assigning a custom charge rate to a Student.

If the Student has already been added to the Job, you can still assign them a custom charge rate by selecting the small purple pen & paper icon next to their name in the ‘Students’ panel in the Job’s main summary page. This will open the ‘Edit Student Charge Rate’ panel, from where you can similarly opt to charge a custom charge rate by enabling the ‘Charge custom rate’ checkbox, and then specifying the custom rate via the ‘Custom Charge Rate’ number field.

An example of a Job’s summary page, with the pen & paper icon highlighted.

How do I give a Tutor a custom pay rate on a Job?

When adding a Tutor to a Job, you can expand the ‘More Settings’ tab on the ‘Tutors’ panel and enable the ‘Pay custom rate’ checkbox before specifying the custom pay rate in the ‘Custom pay rate’ number field.

Assigning a custom pay rate to a Tutor.

If the Tutor has already been added to the Job, you can still assign them a custom pay rate by selecting the small pen & paper icon next to their name in the ‘Tutors’ panel in the Job’s main summary page. This will open the ‘Tutors’ panel, from where you can similarly opt to charge a custom pay rate by enabling the ‘Pay custom rate’ checkbox before specifying the custom pay rate via ‘Custom pay rate’ number field.

An example of a Job’s summary page, with the pen & paper icon highlighted.

How do I adjust the charge/pay rate on a Job?

Simply navigate to the Job’s main summary page, select Actions > Edit before adjusting the Client’s charge rate/Tutor’s pay rate via the respective number fields.

Note: This will only affect planned Lessons; to adjust the charge/pay rate on Lessons that were scheduled for a time in the past, you will need to navigate to those Lessons and select the pen & paper icons next to the assigned users to manually adjust their pay/charge rates.

How do I add an Ad Hoc Charge to a Job?

Ad Hoc Charges can be used on Jobs to charge for extra fees or expenses. To add an Ad Hoc Charge to a Job, simply navigate to the Job’s ‘Activity’ tab before selecting the Add button within the ‘Ad Hoc Charges’ panel. This will open the ‘Add Ad Hoc Charge’ panel, from where you can fill in the Ad Hoc Charge’s information before clicking Add to submit.

What permissions can I give to my Tutors on a Job?

You can give your Tutors the following permissions:

  • Tutor can add and edit Lessons, and change the Job status to finished: If you give your Tutor these permissions, they will be able to schedule their own lessons, edit them, complete them, and mark the Job as finished when the Job is done.

  • Tutor can add and edit Lessons: If you give your Tutor these permissions, they will be able to schedule their own lessons, edit them, and mark them as complete. However, they won't be able to change the Job status.

  • Tutor can edit Lessons: If you give your Tutor this permission, they will be able to edit the lessons and mark them as complete. However, they won't be able to add new lessons or change the Job status to ‘finished’.

  • Tutor can only mark Lessons Complete: If you choose this permission for your Tutor, he/she can only mark the lessons as complete, and won't be able to add/edit new lessons or mark the Job as finished.

You can assign different different permissions to Tutors on the same Job by clicking on the purple pen & paper icon next to the Tutor’s name in the ‘Tutors’ panel on a Job’s main overview page to open the ‘Tutors’ panel, from where you can assign that particular Tutor specific permissions for that Job.

What information can I let my Tutors view on a Job?

By default, a Tutor can only see the name of the Student they are on a Job with. You can let them see more information by navigating to your People Settings and enabling the ‘Tutors can view Student/Client details’ checkbox. With this enabled, your Tutors will also be able to see the Student’s basic information, including their home and email address.

You can also allow your Tutors to view a Client’s balance on a Job - simply navigate to your Client Balances Settings and enable the ‘Tutors view Client balances’ checkbox. Once that’s done, your Tutor will be able to view a Client’s balance if they are assigned to the same Job/Lesson.

How do I attach an Affiliate to a Student on a Job?

You can attach an Affiliate to be paid a percentage of any monies paid by the Student’s paying Client for a particular Job by navigating to the Job’s main summary page and selecting the purple pen & paper icon next to the Student’s name in the ‘Students’ panel. This will open the ‘Student Charge Rates’ panel, from where you can enable the ‘Add Affiliate’ checkbox before selecting an Affiliate either by choosing their name from the dropdown menu or searching their name in the search bar.

Attaching an Affiliate to a Student on a Job.

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