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Tutor Subjects, Qualifications, and Institutions

Learn how to create custom subjects, as well as managing your tutors qualifications & skills

Sam Linge avatar
Written by Sam Linge
Updated over a week ago

What are teaching skills?

Teaching skills are your tutor's specific qualifications that your tutor is capable of teaching. They are used by the scheduling system to intelligently filter specific jobs to tutors. A tutor's 'Available Jobs' tab will show which jobs fully and partially qualified for. New job notifications can also be sent only to tutors who have the necessary teaching skills. This means that your specialist mathematics tutors won't be sent messages about history jobs. Note that your tutors can still apply to any available job, even if they don't meet the appropriate requirements. Administrators can also filter tutors by teaching skills if searching for someone in particular for an upcoming job.

How do I edit a tutor's teaching skills?

Go to the tutor's profile (or dashboard if you are a tutor) and click on the plus icon on the Teaching Skills panel. You can fill in multiple skills and multiple qualification levels for each subject. You can edit teaching skills by going to the tutor's profile (or dashboard) and clicking the edit icon on the Teaching Skills panel.

How can I create custom subjects?

Custom subjects are a good way to make skillsets more relevant to your company if your company specialises in a particular type of teaching that is not reflected in the default subjects. If you would like to add custom subjects, navigate to System > Settings > People and Activity > Custom Subjects. Click 'Add Subject' at the top of the page, fill in the details, then click 'Submit'. Once submitted, tutors will be able to select your extra subject options when adding teaching skills and qualifications to their profiles. You can also include them in skill sets on jobs.

How can I hide certain subjects?

If you would like to hide certain subjects, navigate to System > Settings > People and Activity > Hidden Subjects. Select the subjects you wish to hide, then click 'Submit'.

What are qualifications?

Qualifications are a history of a tutor's previous experience, training, and education. The qualifications panel can be found on a tutor's profile. Universities, schools, extra-curricular activities and more can also be added.

A qualification can include:

  1. The awarding institution

  2. The subject

  3. The qualification level (eg, BSc, PhD...)

  4. The year it was awarded

  5. The grade achieved

  6. The governing body who oversees the qualification

How do I edit a tutor's/my qualifications?

Go to the tutor's profile (or dashboard if you are a tutor) and click on the plus icon on the Qualifications panel. Fill in the relevant information and click 'Submit' or 'Submit and Add Another'. You can edit a qualification by going to the tutor's profile (or dashboard) and clicking the edit icon on the qualification.

Filling in an institution will add that institution to the tutor's profile if it is not already on there. If you can't find your institution from the list, you can add it by clicking the plus icon on the Institutions Attended panel on the tutor's profile (or dashboard). Then click 'Add Custom Institution' on the next page. After adding your custom institution, you should see it on the list in the Add/Edit Qualification page.

How can I create custom qualification levels?

If you would like to add custom qualification levels, navigate to System > Settings > People and Activity > Custom Qualification Levels. Click 'Add Qualification Level' at the top of the page, fill in the details, then click 'Submit'. The qualification level will appear for teaching skills and qualifications unless you select 'Teaching Skill Only'.

How are teaching skills different from qualifications?

Qualifications detail your tutor's general background such as educational achievements and professional certificates. In contrast, teaching skills specify which subjects your tutor is capable of teaching. This is an important distinction because some subjects require extra training or experience to teach proficiently.

How can I hide certain qualification levels?

If you would like to hide certain qualification levels, navigate to System > Settings > People and Activity > Hidden Qualification Levels. Select the qualification levels you wish to hide, then click 'Submit'.

What are institutions?

Institutions are places from which you have received educational or professional qualifications. Most often they are schools, colleges, and universities.

How do I edit a tutor's institutions?

Go to the tutor's profile (or dashboard if you are a tutor) and click on the plus icon on the Institutions Attended panel. Search for and fill in your institutions, then click 'Submit'. If you can't find your institution from the list, you can add it by clicking 'Add Custom Institution'. Fill in your institution's information then click 'Submit'. You will be taken back to the Institutions Attended form where you should see your custom institution.

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