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Translating TutorCruncher

Customise TutorCruncher to change the display language to be in-keeping with your business.

Sam Linge avatar
Written by Sam Linge
Updated over a week ago

Do I need TutorCruncher Translations?

While TutorCruncher tries to use the most appropriate words throughout the system, sometimes you might want to use the terms that are specific to your business.

The most obvious use of translations is for language translation. If you operate in a non-English speaking country it may make sense for you to translate the available terms on the system to cater to your market.

Looking for your users to see only Japanese, Spanish, German or Hindu when they use TutorCruncher?

No problem, we can make it so that every word the system displays to those clients is displayed in that language.

What if your audience is English-speaking, but you still want to translate some terms on the system?

Are your "tutors" not tutors? Are they perhaps instead called contractors, mentors or educators?

Do you call "Payment Orders" payslips, or "Bookable Lessons" open classes?

To allow you to fully customise TutorCruncher we allow you to fully change the display language to be in-keeping with your business.

NB: Translations are for Tutors, Clients, Students and Affiliates only. Admins will not see translated terms; only the original versions.

How do I use TutorCruncher Translations?

Translations on TutorCruncher are super simple.

First, you need to navigate to System > Settings > Translations.

There you will be presented with a list of every term which tutors, clients, students or affiliates will ever be able to see.

A quick view of Tranlations on TutorCruncher

A quick view of Translations on TutorCruncher

Once you have identified what terms you would like to change, click Edit on the right-hand side of the term and type in your alternate translation for them.

Click save, and this change will come into effect instantly.

If you are editing a term that contains a variable you will have to include the variable in the translation.

If you do not include the variable, you will get a red error message below the translation box asking you to include the variable(s) and showing you which variables to include.

NB: We are currently working on building a comprehensive library which would give context for all of these terms, however, that library is not yet built. While we do encourage you to attempt to gain an understanding of what a term represents and where it's used before translating it before this library is live for use our support team won't be able to address questions about the context behind individual terms. While this is the information we'd love to make available, with approximately 1100 terms that can be translated we can't provide advice and context for the meaning of these terms through support.

Why do they have funny characters at the start?

The translations are represented in alphabetical order, so the first few represent non-Latin alphabet characters that wouldn't be otherwise alphabetised.

The different characters mean different things, but they are all variables used when writing Markdown, you can learn more about how to write and recognise Markdown in our User Guide here.

Beyond the first few scrolls, the translation terms will start at the As and follow standard alphabetical order.

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