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SMS Management

Learn more about setting up & sending SMS notifications to your users

Sam Linge avatar
Written by Sam Linge
Updated over a week ago

What are SMS Notifications?

TutorCruncher's SMS integration allows you to send customisable text messages directly to a user's mobile phone when a certain action is triggered. By saving a user's mobile phone number in their profile, you can automatically have SMS reminders go out to your users from your company.

How much does it cost to send SMS notifications?

Per SMS pricing varies by country, to see the price per SMS that will apply to you, look for your country in the list here on our SMS pricing page.

How do I set up SMS notifications?

If you would like to set up the SMS notification service, please get in touch with our support team using the in-app chat or by emailing

What SMS Notifications can I send?

You can go into your System > Settings > Communication Settings > SMS Definitions to view all the different types of SMS Notifications that you can send out to your users. When a specific trigger is actioned, the relevant SMS definition will be sent out to the relevant recipient(s).

Please note that SMS Definitions are all inactive by default, they will need to be individually edited in order to begin sending.

Email Definition


Send Invoice

Customise the SMS sent to clients when sending invoices.

Send Paid Invoice

Customise the SMS sent to clients when sending an invoice that has been already paid.

Send Auto-Charged Invoice

Customise the SMS sent to clients who are being automatically charged for their invoice.

Send Invoice Reminder

Customise the SMS sent to clients who haven't paid their outstanding invoice. You will be prompted to send the SMS when clicking on 'Send Reminder' on the invoice page.

Notify Client of deferred payment

Customise the SMS sent to inform clients about an automatically delayed payment you will charge in a certain number of days.

Send Payment Order

Customise the SMS sent to tutors when receiving payment orders.

Send Credit Request

Customise the SMS sent to clients when sending credit requests.

Send Credit Request Reminders

Customise the SMS sent to clients who haven't paid their outstanding credit requests. You will be prompted to send the SMS when clicking on 'Send Reminder' on the credit request page.

Interview Invitation to Tutor

Customise the SMS sent out to tutors inviting them for an interview.

Job Notification

Customise the SMS sent to tutors whenever a (suitable) job is open for application.

Job Application Accepted

Customise the SMS sent to tutors when their application for a job has been accepted.

Job Application Rejected

Customise the SMS sent to tutors when their application for a job has been rejected.

Lessons Reminder

Customise the SMS sent to inform users about the time of an upcoming lesson

Tutor Added to Job

Customise the SMS sent to tutors that have been added to a job.

How do I edit an SMS Definition?

You can edit an SMS Definition by navigating to System > Settings > Communication Settings > SMS Definitions. Click the '+' icon to the right of the SMS Definition you want to edit. You are able to set this to sending and edit the content of this message. In SMS Definitions, there are some words enclosed in curly brackets, for example ###{{ amount }}. These are your company's Variables. These allow the system to get information to put it into the message, in this case: the amount of the invoice. You can add or remove variables from these SMS Definitions.

1 SMS is 140 characters long, so if your SMS exceeds this length you will send, and therefore pay for, multiple messages. This can also occur if your Variables get a long value with many characters, for example, ###{{ Company Address }}.

If you navigate to System > Settings > Communication Settings > General, you can set your 'Branch SMS Name'. This will appear as the name of the sender of each SMS Notification that you send.

How can I see my sent SMS?

For a record of all of your company's sent SMS Notifications, you can view your Communications > Outbound SMSs.

How do I verify a mobile phone number for SMS Notifications?

When you save a user's mobile number on their profile, TutorCruncher will check whether this is a valid number for sending SMS. If it is, this mobile number will be displayed with a ✓ next to it, meaning the number can receive SMS Notifications. The correct number format relates to where your company branch is located, for example, if your company branch were based in the UK, your mobile phone numbers to UK recipients would start with a 0. However, if the recipient were based outside of the UK you would need to include the international extension in place of the 0.

Approve your users to receive SMS Notifications by inputting their mobile number in the appropriate format.

Approve your users to receive SMS Notifications by inputting their mobile number in the appropriate format.

I have some international clients that I want to send SMS notifications to, do I have to add their countries prefix onto their mobile number?

TutorCruncher has got you covered when it comes to sending SMS notifications to your international clients, so there’s no need to add a prefix onto their number. Just make sure to set the correct country on their profile & we’ll do the rest!

How do I stop someone receiving SMS Notifications?

On a user's profile, you can check or uncheck the 'Receive SMSs' option on a user by user basis.

How do I pay for SMS?

We will add the total cost of your SMS Notifications to your monthly invoice.

Why is there an SMS cap?

We have an SMS spending cap in place so users are aware that they have hit their threshold for sending these notifications. You could be liable to be charged an additional fee if you were to go over this cap, so we have this in place to stop that from happening. If you do, however, want to have that cap increased just drop us a message & we can sort that out for you!

When can I raise my SMS cap?

We know you want to keep our clients up to date as much as possible with notifications, so when it comes to increasing your SMS cap, we raise this incrementally at the beginning of each month when requested. We won’t want you to incur unnecessary charges, so we increase this gradually to see what cap works best for your agency.

Can I set up my number to receive replies to SMS notifications?

Unfortunately, you cannot assign a mobile number to your TutorCruncher account to receive replies to automated SMS notifications.

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