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Importing accounting data into Xero

Learn how to import an accounting CSV file into your Xero account

Sam Linge avatar
Written by Sam Linge
Updated over a week ago

Want to export your accounting information from TutorCruncher & import that into your Xero account? No problem! This is quick & easy to do, and we'll be going through the steps here on how to get that set up and running in no time.

Firstly, you'll need to export your accounting information into a CSV file from the platform. You can do this by going to System > Export & then choosing 'Accounting'. From here, you can choose the type of information you want to export, whether that's Invoices, Payment Orders or Credit Requests. In this example, we'll be exporting information relating to Invoices.

N.B: Use Invoices (Detailed) as the export type when importing into Xero.

Once that CSV file has been downloaded, you will then need to log into your Xero account. Navigate to Business.

From here, select the Invoices

You'll now be redirected to new page that will have a list of all of the invoices linked to your Xero account. When you want to import or update your records of invoices linked to your account, choose the Import tab.

This will bring you to a new page that breaks down the steps needed to import a CSV file into Xero. Choose the Browse tab and select the CSV file that you have just downloaded from TutorCruncher.

You'll be notified of how many invoices you are importing as well as any existing issues that are linked to some of the invoices. Once you're happy with that, choose Complete Import.

And that's it! Once you've done that, your invoicing data will now successfully be linked to your Xero account.

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