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Creating a Zap within Zapier

Here's an example of using Zapier to update Google Sheets with data from TutorCruncher

Sam Linge avatar
Written by Sam Linge
Updated over a week ago

Zapier is a great automation tool to link TutorCruncher to external applications and send data directly through Zaps. In this example, we’ll be using Zapier to send data to Google Sheets when a client is created in the platform.

The first step you will need to do is to choose to create a ‘Zap’. After this, you'll need to setup a 'Trigger' and choose the TutorCruncher App (1.3.0)

Now that we've chosen the TC app within Zapier, we're going to choose the event as a new 'Action'. Actions refer to any events in TutorCruncher that we record & this is the data that is sent to Zapier.

Zapier now knows that we want to record an action from the platform, so the next step is to actually link our TutorCruncher account. A pop up box will show asking you to paste in your API key, and you can find this by going to System > Settings > Integrations & choosing the Zapier integration. Here's more info on that.

Now that you've pasted in your API key, the next stop is to copy the Webhook URL displayed in Zapier & paste that back in your Zapier integration within your TutorCruncher account (You will need to choose + Add Integration in Settings > TutorCruncher API > API & name it 'Zapier')

Your TutorCruncher & Zapier account should now be linked, so the next step is to tell Zapier what information you want to capture. In order to do this, we'll need to make an action within our TutorCruncher account & test the trigger. In this example, we'll be creating a client profile. The important thing to note is you'll need to complete the action within TutorCruncher before clicking the 'Test Trigger' button in Zapier. Once you have created a client (People > Clients), click the 'Test Trigger' button. TutorCruncher will return all the information relating to that newly created client back within Zapier.

Now that we've identified the action or data that we want to collect & trigger within TutorCruncher, the next step is to link this to an external app. In order to tell Zapier that we only want triggers to be sent when a client is created, we'll have to add a filter. This should be as follows:

  1. Action > (Text) Exactly Matches > CREATED_A_CLIENT (Or relative action)

We're going to be linking Google Sheets to our Zap, so once we've added our filter, choose this as the external app. Then choose the action we want to take place within Google Sheets once our Zap is triggered (In this example I'll be adding a spreadsheet row with that data)

The final step is to turn our Zap on and we're done!

This is what the general overview should look like for that flow

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