Can tutors sign up via my website?
Sam Linge avatar
Written by Sam Linge
Updated over a week ago

Can tutors sign up via my website?

You can also add a tutor signup link to your website to help you recruit tutors. The location of this page is found at You need to replace COMPANY_URL_BIT with your company's URL bit. This can be found by going to System > Settings > Company Details and referring to the field named 'URL bit'.

This page allows tutors to sign up for an account with your company as a 'Pending' tutor. You can customise the accompanying text description by going to System > Settings > Company Details > Agency Details and editing the 'Tutor Signup Description' field.

Add your tutor signup page to recruit more tutors

Add your tutor signup page to recruit more tutors

When a tutor fills in this page, they will create themselves as a 'Pending' tutor in your database. You can receive an email notification when this happens by proceeding to your System > Settings > People and Activity > Labels and selecting the 'Self Sign Up' label. You can specify an administrator to receive an email notification whenever a tutor signs up by selecting them in the 'Email Recipients' field.

They can upload and fill out all of the information on their profile themselves. You can invite them to interview and have them receive an email notification, and if you wish to approve them you can go to their profile and click 'Approve.'

Using this link, you can encourage both prospective applicants and tutors you have contacted to create their own profiles without you needing to set them up with a login.

How can a tutor sign up to a specific branch with my agency?

If your agency has more than one live branch, then a tutor can choose what agency they want to sign up to on your sign up page. You can select whether or not tutors can apply to each of your branches by navigating to System > Settings > Company Details > Agency Details, and enabling the option for ‘Tutors Can Join’.

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