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Working with Clients

Learn how to create, edit, & work with clients in your agency

Sam Linge avatar
Written by Sam Linge
Updated over a week ago

What is a Client?

Clients receive and pay invoices on charges accumulated from lessons and ad hoc charges. They are often students, parents of students, or a school/other institution. Each client can manage one or more student accounts. Within their account, clients will be able to see upcoming lessons in their calendar, view past lesson reports and pay for invoices with our built-in card payment system, Stripe. They can also book upcoming lessons when logged in or when visiting your website.

How to Create a Client:

Clients receive and pay invoices on charges accumulated from lessons and ad hoc charges. They are often students, parents of students, or a school/other institution.

Step by step process:

Manually adding clients is very easy from inside TutorCruncher.

  1. Navigate to the Clients tab

  2. Click on the 'Create New Client' button

  3. Fill in the client's details

  4. If you add an email address when first creating the profile and tick "notify via email", clients will receive a welcome email with a link to create a password and login. If "notify via email" is unticked, they will not receive login details and only the administrators will be able to edit the client profile.

  5. Click 'Submit'

Alternatively, you can import many clients at once using the import function.

The only required field in a client profile is the last name. This means you can set up a profile for a prospective client at first contact and update their profile as you get more information.

More information:

How can a Client sign up to my company?

You can allow clients to sign up to your company by navigating to System > Settings > Company Details > Branch Details. From 'Client Access Settings' select either 'Can Login and Sign Up' or 'Can Login and Sign Up with a Link' and click 'Submit'. Clients will then be able to sign up to your company via your company specific login page. Your company login url will look something like Your url bit can be set at System > Settings > Company Details > Agency Details. They will be prompted to fill out their contact information and any additional information regarding their needs for the company. New client sign ups will appear in the Prospect Pipeline tab.

How can I find my live/prospect/dormant Clients?

You can filter your tutors by status by heading to the People > Clients list and clicking on the filter tabs. Alternatively, you can enter the status in the search bar.

How do I edit a Client's details?

You can edit a client's details by going to a client's profile and clicking the 'Action' dropdown menu shown below their profile picture, then selecting 'Edit Profile'. Fill in the client's details and click 'Submit'.

How do I change the status of a Client?

When a client first signs up to your company, they will be given the status 'Prospect'. To change their status, navigate to the client's profile, click the 'Action' dropdown menu, and then select 'Set Status'.

Live clients can be put on jobs and will be able to view their invoices and schedules. Dormant clients' logins' will be disabled and they won't have any further access to your system. Clients will receive an appropriate email if their status changes.

Can I change the default client view for an admin?

Yes, the default client view can be changed when editing an admins profile. To do this, navigate to the ‘Actions’ tab, and select ‘Edit Profile. Under the section for ‘Address, Contact Details & More’ is an option for ‘Default Client View’. Here, you can select whether to set the default view as ‘Client Pipeline’, or ‘Live Client’ view.

Can I choose what notifications a client will receive?

You can indeed! When editing a clients profile, you can choose what email notifications a client can receive under 'Received Notifications'. Here are a list of the email notifications for clients:

Can a dormant client still receive payment requests?

Yes, a client can still receive payment requests even if they have a ‘Dormant’ status. Dormant clients' logins' will be disabled and they won't have any further access to your system, but they will still continue to receive payment request emails that relate to their associated student.

How do I set a Client's manager?

You can set a client's manager by going to a client's profile and clicking the 'Action' dropdown menu shown below their profile picture. Using the following dropdown you can choose the administrator in charge of this client's account. You can then report on the performance of your different client managers at Analytics > Income Breakdown > Client Managers.

How do I see what clients do not have a client manager assigned to them?

The best way to check this would be by navigating to People > Clients, and choosing the ‘Filter’ option at the top of the page. When you scroll down to the Client Manager section, there should be an option there for ‘None (No Administrator)’. When you select this it will only show the clients who don’t have a client manager assigned to them yet.

How do I stop my Client's Logging into TutorCruncher?

If you don’t want your clients to be able to log in to TutorCruncher, please navigate to System > Settings > Company Details > Branch Details, untick the ‘Client login’ checkbox, and click submit. Your Clients are now no longer able to log in to TutorCruncher.

Can I send a welcome link to all of my Clients at the same time?

Yes you can! Simply reach out to and we can make that happen from our end.

Why is there no log in link in my Welcome Emails for Clients?

There are 2 possible reasons why there is no login link in your Welcome Emails that go out to your Clients:

How long does the set password link last in the Welcome Email?

When you first receive your welcome email, that ‘Set Password’ link will last for 3 days and then it will expire. Don’t worry though if you haven’t set a password in those three days, just ask an admin to resend that welcome email & you will receive a new link to get that setup.

Why is there no link to Terms and Conditions in my Welcome Emails for Clients?

There are a couple of reasons that can cause the link to confirm T&C not to appear in the Welcome Emails that are sent to your Clients:

Can clients view Tutor profiles?

Clients can't view a Tutor profile the way an Administrator or the Tutor would see it. However, if you are using TutorCruncher Socket, you are still able to to list your Tutors (including some of their information) on your website.

Nevertheless, if you are not using TutorCruncher Socket, your clients are not able to view Tutor Profiles and their information.

How do I add a second email address to a client's profile?

If you are looking to add a second email address to a client's profile, the best solution is to create an associated client.

Associated clients, are clients who can view or interact with certain aspects of a student’s profile such as invoice or reports. This solution can be used in a variety of situations such as:

  1. Adding an accountant to a students profile who can overlook invoices

  2. Allowimail accountng a second parents who can pay for some invoices

  3. Letting a teacher keep track of a students private tuition progress outside of school

  4. Sending invoices or reports to a secondary e

If you want to add an associated client all you need to do is create a client profile with the email you want to add.

Go to the profile of the student you want this client to be connected to in People > Students, and click the blue "Add" button next to Associated Clients. Here you can also select what permissions you want to give this second account. You can find out more about the permissions you can give associated client's here.

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