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Tax Setups

Learn about creating and managing your Tax Setups here.

Sam Linge avatar
Written by Sam Linge
Updated over a week ago

Tax Setups are essentially presets for any tax that might be applied to either your company’s commission rate or a Tutor’s pay rate.

You can create Tax Setups via the Tax Setup page, found via System > Settings > Accounting Settings > Tax Setups. This page contains a list of your premade Tax Setups.

The Tax Setup page, with the Add Tax Setup button highlighted.

TutorCruncher includes two premade Tax Setups by default, a 20% ‘Default Company Tax’ rate (this would typically be VAT in the UK). and the ‘Default Tutor Tax’ - which is set at 0%.

Use the Add Tax Setup button to create a new Tax Setup. This will open the ‘Tax Setup’ panel, from where you can:

  • Use the ‘Name’ text field to give the Tax Setup a name.

  • Input a tax ‘Rate’ - whenever a charge or Tutor rate has this Tax Setup applied, this value will determine the tax percentage of the charge.

The Tax Setup panel.

This tax will then be viewable when creating or editing a Job in 'Commission Tax' and 'Tutor Tax' under 'Accounting Settings'. Here you can also set whether the rates on a Job are tax exclusive (GROSS) or tax inclusive (NET) in the 'Tax Setting' dropdown menu.

If the Tax Rate you're applying isn't payable, you can simply leave the 'Taxable' checkbox unticked.

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