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Learn about basic customisation for your PDFs here.

Sam Linge avatar
Written by Sam Linge
Updated over a week ago

Within TutorCruncher, PDFs can be attached to Invoices, Credit Requests and Payment Orders. We give users a lot of scope to change the information shown on these PDFs, as well as their layout and more.

To edit the basic information shown on PDFs sent to your Clients, navigate to System > Settings > System Customization > PDFs. Here you will find fields to edit some of the basic details found on PDFs sent to your Clients. The text can be stylised using HTML Markup. Remember to click Save to save any changes.

Note: For more advanced PDF editing, see our article on HTML Templates.

How do I change the logo on PDFs sent to my Clients?

This can be done by using the Choose File button under PDF Logo to upload a picture to be used as a logo for all of your sent PDF documents.

How do I change the text displayed at the top of my Invoice PDFs?

Simply input text into the ‘Invoice statement prefix’ HTML Markup field.

How do I change the text displayed at the bottom of each of the Tutor’s pages on my Invoice PDFs?

Simply input text into the ‘Invoice Tutor page suffix’ HTML Markup field.

How do I change the text displayed at the bottom of my Payment Order PDFs?

Simply input text into the ‘Payment Order page suffix’ HTML Markup field.

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